query String Required Search term. Can be an address, intersection, landmark name or id depending on parameters
city String Optional Filter results by city name.
county String Optional Filter results by county name.
jurisdiction String Optional Filter results by jurisdiction name.
unit String Optional Filter results by unit designation
units Boolean Optional Return individual unit matches. The default is 0.
id_matches Boolean Optional Return address_id, property_id or state_id matches on query. The default is 0.
intersections Boolean Optional Return intersections any variation of AND is found in query. The default is 1.
landmarks Boolean Optional Return landmark matches. The default is 1.
alt_coords Boolean Optional Return state plane and latitude/longitude coordinates. The default is 0.
alt_ids Boolean Optional Return property_id and state_id. The default is 0.
elements Boolean Optional Return individual address elements: address number, street direction, name, type, suffix. The default is 0.
cache Boolean Optional Return web server cached results. The default is 1.
status String Optional Filter results by status. Valid values are active, pending and all. The default is active.
exact Boolean Optional Return only exact address matches on query. Disables intersections and landmarks. The default is 0.
ags Boolean Optional Fallback to ArcGIS Server composite locator matching. The default is 0.
centerline Boolean Optional Fallback to ArcGIS Server centerline locator matching. The default is 0.
geometry String Optional ESRI JSON Polygon, MultiPolygon or Extent in wkid 2913, 3857 or 4326. Used to spatially filter with address points.
count Numeric Optional Number of records to return. The maximum is 1000. The default is 10.
page Numeric Optional Used in combination with count for accessing more results i.e. page=2&count=10 will return records 11-20. The default is 1.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
detail_type String Required
sections String Required One or more comma-delimited sections of the detail_type. Use list for available sections. Use * (asterisk) for all sections. geometry is only returned when format is json
detail_id String Required (unless using file_type and file_id to download) Unique id for content. Varies by detail_type.

detail_type detail_id format
assessor Taxlots Property ID
benchmarks Taxlots Property ID
capital-improvement-project Project_Number_SAP from cip_(points|lines|polys)_pdx]
council-district Taxlots Property ID
crime-person Hexagon ID
crime-person-assault-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-person-homicide-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-person-human-trafficking-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-person-kidnapping-abduction Hexagon ID
crime-person-sex-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-person-sex-offenses-nonforcible Hexagon ID
crime-property Hexagon ID
crime-property-arson Hexagon ID
crime-property-bribery Hexagon ID
crime-property-burglary Hexagon ID
crime-property-counterfeiting-forgery Hexagon ID
crime-property-embezzlement Hexagon ID
crime-property-extortion-blackmail Hexagon ID
crime-property-fraud-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-property-larceny-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-property-motor-vehicle-theft Hexagon ID
crime-property-robbery Hexagon ID
crime-property-stolen-property-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-property-vandalism Hexagon ID
crime-society Hexagon ID
crime-society-animal-cruelty-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-society-drug-narcotic-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-society-gambling-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-society-pornography-obscene-material Hexagon ID
crime-society-prostitution-offenses Hexagon ID
crime-society-weapon-law-violations Hexagon ID
elevation Taxlots Property ID
environmental Taxlots Property ID
environmental-csspd Taxlots Property ID
environmental-csswwpa Taxlots Property ID
environmental-dshg Taxlots Property ID
environmental-hsg Taxlots Property ID
environmental-percent-slope Taxlots Property ID
environmental-plan-districts Taxlots Property ID
environmental-ppdb Taxlots Property ID
environmental-regional-geology Taxlots Property ID
environmental-sdtg Taxlots Property ID
environmental-siqs Taxlots Property ID
environmental-soil-infiltration Taxlots Property ID
environmental-wdc Taxlots Property ID
hauler Taxlots Property ID
hazard-earthquake-cascadia Taxlots Property ID
hazard-earthquake-hills Taxlots Property ID
hazard-flood Taxlots Property ID
hazard-landslide Taxlots Property ID
hazard-liquefaction Taxlots Property ID
hazard-steep-slope Taxlots Property ID
hazard-wild-lands-fire Taxlots Property ID
heritage-tree Tree ID OR x_y in web mercator (for nearby)
leaf-day Taxlots Property ID
neighborhood ID from neighborhoods_pdx
park Parks PropertyID OR x_y in web mercator (for nearby)
parking Taxlots Property ID
permit IVR Number
permits Taxlots Property ID
projects Taxlots Property ID
property Taxlots Property ID OR x_y in web mercator (for nearby)
public-safety Taxlots Property ID
school School ID OR x_y in web mercator (for nearby)
sewer Compkey OR x_y in web mercator (for nearby)
sewer-assets Taxlots Property ID
sewer-easement Tracking Number
sewer-job Job Number
sewer-service-request Service Request Number
sewer-tv-inspection TV Inspection Number_Compkey
sewer-work-order Work Order Number
snow-ice Taxlots Property ID
transit Taxlots Property ID
water Taxlots Property ID
zoning Taxlots Property ID
zoning-district District Code
zoning-lur CASE_ID in Embedded_Data_Land_Use_Case

geometry String Optional JSON point representation in web mercator. Used to spatially find, and takes priority over, detail_id.

Example: { "x" : -13654810.5420492, "y" : 5703110.53596354 }

property_id String Optional property_id for plotting centroid on non-property_id detail_type.
file_type String Required (if using with file_id to download) Unique id for file. Varies by detail_type.

detail_type file_type description
assessor pdf Tax Maps
park pdf | photo Parks documents and photos
property frontage Property frontage photos
sewer linked Sewer linked files
sewer-assets historic Historic sewer board files
sewer-easement document Sewer easement files
sewer-job document Sewer job files

file_id String Required (if using with file_type to download)
cache_clear Boolean Optional Return non-cached result. The default is 0.
format String Required The default is json.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
address String Optional Site Address
city String Optional Filter results by city name.
county String Optional Filter results by county name.
property_id String Optional Property ID
state_id String Optional State ID
parent_state_id String Optional Parent State ID
zip_code String Optional Zip Code
legal_description String Optional Legal Description
alt_account_number String Optional Alternate Account Number
built_after Numeric Optional Built in or after year
built_before Numeric Optional Built in or before year
sqft_larger Numeric Optional Square footage larger than or equal to.
sqft_smaller Numeric Optional Square footage smaller than or equal to.
sold_after Date Optional Sold on or after date. Format is mm/dd/yyyy.
sold_before Date Optional Sold on or before date. Format is mm/dd/yyyy.
market_larger Numeric Optional Market value larger than or equal to.
market_smaller Numeric Optional Market value smaller than or equal to.
primary Boolean Optional Return only primary addresses. The default is 0.
geometry String Optional ESRI JSON Polygon, MultiPolygon or Extent in wkid 2913, 3857 or 4326. Used to spatially filter with taxlots.
sort_field String Optional The default is address.
sort_order String Optional The default is asc.
cache Boolean Optional Return web server cached results. The default is 1.
count Numeric Optional Number of records to return. The maximum is 1000. The default is 1000. Ignored when download is 1.
page Numeric Optional Used in combination with count for accessing more results i.e. page=2&count=10 will return records 11-20. The default is 1.
format String Optional The default is json.
download Boolean Optional Adds mime type application/download to response to force browser to download the file. The default is 0.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests. Used only when format is json
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
ivr_number Numeric Optional IVR (Inspection Request System) number. The IVR number is the unique identifier assigned to the permit or case. Enter the six or seven digit IVR number (e.g. 2798743)
application_number String Optional Enter the two-digit year, a dash, and the six-digit permit case/number (e.g. 08-168311)
address String Optional Address string
property_id String Optional Property ID
state_id String Optional State ID
search_type_id Numeric Optional Predefined search criteria type
neighborhood String Optional Neighborhood
neighborhood_coalition String Optional Neighborhood coalition
business_association String Optional Business association
county String Optional County
ccb_number String Optional CCB number
date_type String Optional Date type to search when using date_from and/or date_to. Default is issued.
date_from Date Optional Permit issued date range minimum. Range is inclusive. Format is mm/dd/yyyy.
date_to Date Optional Permit issued date range maximum. Range is inclusive. Format is mm/dd/yyyy.
sort_field String Optional The default is address.
sort_order String Optional The default is asc.
cache Boolean Optional Return web server cached results. The default is 1.
count Numeric Optional Number of records to return. The maximum is 1000. The default is 1000. Ignored when download is 1.
page Numeric Optional Used in combination with count for accessing more results i.e. page=2&count=10 will return records 11-20. The default is 1.
format String Optional The default is json.
download Boolean Optional Adds mime type application/download to response to force browser to download the file. The default is 0.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests. Used only when format is json
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
search_type_id Numeric Optional Predefined search criteria type
neighborhood String Optional Neighborhood
neighborhood_coalition String Optional Neighborhood coalition
historic_district String Optional Historic District
conservation_district String Optional Conservation District
plan_district String Optional Plan District
business_association String Optional Business District
milestone_status String Optional Review milestone status
date_from Date Optional Intake date complete date range minimum. Range is inclusive. Format is mm/dd/yyyy.
date_to Date Optional Intake date complete date range maximum. Range is inclusive. Format is mm/dd/yyyy.
ivr_number Numeric Optional IVR (Inspection Request System) number. The IVR number is the unique identifier assigned to the permit or case. Enter the six or seven digit IVR number (e.g. 2798743)
application_number String Optional Enter the two-digit year, a dash, and the six-digit permit case/number (e.g. 08-168311)
sort_field String Optional The default is address.
sort_order String Optional The default is asc.
cache Boolean Optional Return web server cached results. The default is 1.
count Numeric Optional Number of records to return. The maximum is 1000. The default is 1000. Ignored when download is 1.
page Numeric Optional Used in combination with count for accessing more results i.e. page=2&count=10 will return records 11-20. The default is 1.
format String Optional The default is json.
download Boolean Optional Adds mime type application/download to response to force browser to download the file. The default is 0.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests. Used only when format is json
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
type String Required
unit_id String Optional Unit ID
compkey String Optional Compkey
work_order_number String Optional Work order number
tv_inspection_number String Optional TV inspection number
service_request_number String Optional Service request number
job_number String Optional Job number
job_name String Optional Job name
quarter_section String Optional Quarter section
location String Optional Location
comments String Optional Comments
tracking_number String Optional Tracking number
date String Optional Date
quit_claim String Optional Quit claim
ordinance_number String Optional Ordinance number
right_of_way String Optional Right of way
book String Optional Book
page String Optional Page
sort_field String Optional Default varies by type and field searched. See search results with this field omitted for available sort fields.
sort_order String Optional The default is asc.
count Numeric Optional Number of records to return. The maximum is 1000. The default is 1000. Ignored when download is 1.
page Numeric Optional Used in combination with count for accessing more results i.e. page=2&count=10 will return records 11-20. The default is 1.
format String Optional The default is json.
download Boolean Optional Adds mime type application/download to response to force browser to download the file. The default is 0.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
type String Required Cookie.verify_save will be checked when sent along with request to verify login and retrieve related content.

type description
Get Retrieve bookmarks for currently logged in user
Add Add bookmark for currently logged in user
Update Update title of existing bookmark
Delete Delete existing bookmark

<Cookie> verify_save Cookie Required Cookie will be checked when sent along with request to verify login.
title String Required Bookmark descriptive title
link String Required Bookmark URL
id Numeric Required Bookmark id
title String Required Bookmark descriptive title
id Numeric Required Bookmark id
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
action String Required
type description
Settings Retrieve settings for report interface
Categories Retrieve report categories
Items Retrieve items for user
File Retrieve file for item
Input Submit report
Domain Retrieve values for domain inputs
<Cookie> verify_save Cookie Required Cookie will be checked when sent along with request to verify login and return user's items.
version Numeric Optional Version of settings. The default is 2.
instance_id Numeric Optional Instance ID. Mutually exclusive with category_id. Only applies to version 3.
category_id Numeric Optional Category ID. Mutually exclusive with instance_id. Only applies to version 3.
status String Optional Filter items by status
category_id Numeric Optional Filter items by category
item_id Numeric Required Unique identifier for report
id Numeric Required Unique identifier for file
category_id Numeric Required Unique identifier for category
input_id Numeric Required Unique identifier for domain
Custom input names in categories call.
  • Address Description: <address_input_id>
  • Address Latitude: <address_input_id>_lat
  • Address Longitude: <address_input_id>_long
  • File Field: <binary_input_id>
  • Comments Field: <text_input_id>
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
action String Required
action description
validateUser Validate username and password
verifyLogin Check cookie to verify user is logged in
logoff Wipe cookie to invaidate user login
count Numeric Optional Number of records to return. The maximum is 1000. The default is 10.
page Numeric Optional Used in combination with count for accessing more results i.e. page=2&count=10 will return records 11-20. The default is 1.
contact_id Numeric Optional Unique identifier for a user.
user_name String Optional Retrieve user(s) by user name.
email String Optional Retrieve user(s) by user name email address.
user_name String Required Login user name
password String Required Login password
<Cookie> verify_save Cookie Required Cookie will be checked when sent along with request to verify login.
<Cookie> verify_save Cookie Required Cookie will be wiped when sent along with request to invalidate login.
role String Optional User role name.
role_id Numeric Optional User role id.
contact_full Boolean Optional Return all user account information. The default is 0.
ags Boolean Optional Return user_name as email address if user_name used was the email address for ArcGIS Server.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
type String Required
id String Optional Unique id for content. Varies by type.

type id
Locators n/a
Portal n/a
PortalGroup | PortalGroupItems <Portal group name>
WebMap | WebMapItem | WebMapData <Webmap ID>

callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
from String Required Geometry type of input geometry.
to String Required Geometry type of output geometry.
geometry String Required

Geometry in ESRI JSON, WKT or GeoJSON format. Supports Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, PolyLine (ESRI), Polygon, MultiPolygon, Extent (ESRI) types.

ESRI Example: { "x": 7643992.45997375, "y": 682806.040026248, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2913 } }

WKT Example: POINT(7643992.45997375 682806.040026248)

GeoJSON Example: { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [7643992.45997375, 682806.040026248] }

GPolyline Example: [(45.50913,-122.68164),(45.5092,-122.6816)]

EncodedGPolyline Example: aowtGfgxkVMG

Note: GPolyline and EncodedGPolyline output requires LineString/Polyline geometry. EncodedGPolyline output requires coordinates in srid 4326 only (latitiude/longitude).

srid String Optional SRID/WKID of the input geometry. Recommended for ESRI JSON output
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.
include String Optional One or more layers to query. The default is describe.

value description
all All of the available includes
city City
county County
describe Describe geometry by intersecting with taxlots and nearby intersections or street segments. Requires that geometry is a single point.
park Park
row Right of way
stream Stream. Applies buffer to geometry before intersecting.
street Street. Applies buffer to geometry before intersecting.
taxlot Taxlot
trail Trail. Applies buffer to geometry before intersecting.
waterbody Waterbody
zipcode Zip Code

geometry String Optional ESRI JSON format Point, MultiPoint, PolyLine, Polygon or Envelope in wkid 2913, 3857 or 4326.

Point Example: { "x": -13656503.525136, "y": 5705771.68694413, "spatialReference": { "wkid": "3857"} }

buffer Number Optional Buffer distance in feet for point and line geometry datasets. The default is 10.
detail Boolean Optional Include detail of intersected features. The default is 0.
callback String Optional Callback function parameter name for ajax requests
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX api_key String Required A key is required for API access. There are 2 different types of keys: client, which will be exposed in client-side code and force matching of one or more hostnames in HTTP_REFERER, and server, which will be assumed to be unexposed in compiled code. Each code has rate limiting parameters for X amount of requests per X minutes. Requests will return headers X-Rate-Limit-Limit, the number of requests allowed per window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, the number of requests remaining in current window, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset, the number of seconds remaining until the current window resets. HTTP code 429 will be returned if the rate limit has been exceeded for the current window.

Request a key. Include domain name(s) if using client type.