Words (62)
| Zone (Large/Small) |
| Yield |
| Watch |
| Wait |
| Turns, Small |
| Trucks |
| To |
| T (Train) |
| Stop (Large/Small) |
| Slow (Large/Small) |
| Signal |
| School |
| Right, Small |
| Red |
| Peds |
| Only |
| On |
| Light Rail Transit |
| Look, Small |
| Lift (on blue background) |
| 30 |
| Lane |
| Hotel |
| Here |
| Greeley |
| For (Large/Small) |
| Bus |
| Bump |
| Bikes (Large/Small) |
| Bike |
| Ahead (Large/Small) |
| Unknown |
Symbols (63)
| Arrow Forward (Large/Small) |
| Arrow Left (Large/Small) |
| Arrow Right (Large/Small) |
| Arrow Left/Forward (Large/Small) |
| Arrow Left/Forward/Right |
| Arrow Left/Left |
| Arrow Left/Right |
| Arrow Right/Forward |
| Arrow Right/Right |
| Bicycle Blvd |
| Bicycle Blvd Arrow |
| Bicycle, Bike Box |
| Bicycle Circle, Green |
| Bicycle Circle, White with one arrow |
| Bicycle Circle, Yellow |
| Bike Loop |
| Bike Rider (Large/Small) |
| Bicycle, Sharrow |
| Chevron, Sharrow |
| Speed Bump Squares, 12 in |
| Speed Bump, Chevron (14ft/22ft) |
| Raised Crosswalk, Chevron 6ft |
| Speed Bump, Ladder Bar |
| Diamond (Large/Small) |
| Pedestrian Circle, White |
| Pedestrian Circle, White with two arrows |
| Pedestrian, Circle Yellow |
| Pedestrian, Large |
| Portland Flag |
| Railroad Crossing |
| Truncated Dome |
| Other |
Delineators (64)
Line Markings (65)
| Alternating Hatch White 3 & 4 |
| Alternating Hatch White 8 |
| Crossbike |
| Crosswalk Continental |
| Crosswalk Parallel |
| Double Dashed Yellow 4 |
| Double Solid/Skip Yellow 4 |
| Double Skip White 4 |
| Double Solid White 4 |
| Double Solid White 8 |
| Double Solid White Profiled 8 |
| Double Solid Yellow 4 |
| Hatched White 4 |
| Hatched White 8 |
| Parking Stalls White |
| Parking Stalls Yellow |
| RPM/Button Only |
| Stop Bar Dashed (12 inch) |
| Stop Bar Narrow (6 inch) |
| Stop Bar Standard (12 inch) |
| Stop Bar Wide (24 inch) |
| Yield Line |
| Single Dashed White 4 |
| Single Dashed White 8 |
| Single Dashed Yellow 4 |
| Single Skip White 4 |
| Single Skip White 8 |
| Single Skip Yellow 4 |
| Single Speed Reduction White 18 |
| Single Solid White 4 |
| Single Solid White 8 |
| Single Solid White Profiled 4 |
| Single Solid White Profiled 8 |
| Single Solid Yellow 4 |
| Unknown |
Reserved Parking (66)
| No Parking Yellow |
| No Parking White |
| Reserved Parking White |
| Unknown |
Area Markings (67)
| Bike Box Solid Green |
| Bike Lane Dashed Green |
| Bike Lane Solid Green |
| Bike Other Solid Green |
| Bike Buffer, Bees Wax |
| Solid White 4 |
| Solid White 8 |
| Solid Yellow 4 |
| Solid Yellow 8 |
| Striped White 4 |
| Striped White 8 |
| Striped Yellow 4 |
| Striped Yellow 8 |
| Warning Area |
| White Filled |
| Yellow Filled |
| White X, 4" Center, 12" Outline |
| Lane, Red |
| Lane, Other |
| Unknown |
Bicycle Parking (1)
Bicycle Routes (Metro) (2)
| Established bikeway |
| Dedicated bike lane |
| Bike friendly street |
| Helpful connection |
| Local trail |
| Bike with caution |
| Bike with caution |
Existing bikeways (74)
| Protected Bike Lane |
| Buffered Bike Lane |
| Bike Lane |
| Advisory Bike Lane |
| Neighborhood Greenway |
| Enhanced Shared Roadway |
| Off-Street Paths/Trails |
Planned (funded) bikeways (75)
| Protected Bike Lane |
| Buffered Bike Lane |
| Bike Lane |
| Advisory Bike Lane |
| Neighborhood Greenway |
| Enhanced Shared Roadway |
| Off-Street Paths/Trails |
Recommended (undeveloped or unfunded) bikeways (76)
| Separated In-Roadway (could be developed as a bicycle lane, buffered bicycle lane or protected bicycle lane) |
| Advisory Bike Lane |
| Neighborhood Greenway |
| Enhanced Shared Roadway |
| Off-Street Paths/Trails |
| No Facility |
Hubs (70)
| Hubs without bikes |
| Hubs with bikes available |
Bikes out of hub (71)
Service area (68)
Parking Meter Max Time (4)
| 5 Minutes |
| 10 Minutes |
| 15 Minutes |
| 30 Minutes |
| 1 Hour |
| 90 Minutes |
| 2 Hours |
| 3 Hours |
| 5 Hours |
| 11 Hours |
Street Lights (5)
Survey Benchmarks (6)
| Active Benchmark |
| Reported Missing or Destroyed |
Traffic Volume (8)
Vehicle Class (9)
Traffic Speed (10)
Turning Movement (12)
Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects (14)
| Pavement Moratorium |
| Planned Paving |
| Planned Fog Seal |
School Zone (55)
Speed Limit (56)
| 50+ mph |
| 45 mph |
| 40 mph |
| 35 mph |
| 30 mph |
| 25 mph |
| 20 mph |
| 15 mph |
Transportation District Boundary (16)
Urban Service Area (17)
| Unincorporated Areas within Portland Services Boundary |
Curb Ramps (46)
Curbs & Shoulders (47)
| Curb |
| Shoulder |
| Parking Block |
Islands (48)
Corners (49)
Sidewalks (50)
Leaf Pickup Districts (52)