Description: Regional stream centerline dataset. Reference sources include 2004 through 2007 LiDAR data, aerial photos, and the mapped stormwater collection system.
This data can be viewed online at
--Additional Information:
Category: Hydro
Purpose: For mapping the location of stream centerlines.
Update Frequency: As needed
Copyright Text: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SUBAREA, length: 30
, Coded Values:
[City of Portland: City of Portland]
, [City of Gresham: City of Gresham]
, [Clean Water Services: Clean Water Services]
, ...2 more...
Description: Relative resource values are determined by a GIS model that evaluates all of the areas within Portland's jurisdiction to determine if they provide significant natural resource functions. The model generates maps of riparian and wildlife habitat resources based on the presence of landscape features including streams, rivers, wetlands and other water bodies, floodplains, steep slopes, and vegetation. These features are associated with a set of riparian or wildlife habitat functions that are individually evaluated by the model. The relative resource value (high, medium, or low) of the resources is determined using a set of criteria developed from scientific studies and articles describing the role and function of riparian areas and wildlife habitat. For example, vegetated areas that are relatively close to streams and wetlands have been shown to be more valuable in terms of their ability to maintain healthy riparian function than vegetated areas farther from streams and wetlands. These areas generally receive a "high" riparian relative resource value due to their ability to provide microclimate functions (i.e., shade and temperature regulation), water quality functions (i.e., filtering of sediment and pollution), etc. An area farther from a stream or wetland would receive a lower riparian resource value because its ability to provide these same functions would be reduced. Once each of the individual riparian functions and wildlife habitat attributes of each resource are evaluated, a relative resource value is calculated based on both the number of and significance of functions provided by and attributes present in a given area. Each riparian and wildlife habitat resource is assigned a relative resource value of high, medium, or low. The wildlife values are then "adjusted" for all areas within a designated "special habitat area" (SHA). All areas within a designated SHA receive a "high" adjusted wildlife habitat resource relative value. The "combined" relative resource value is determined by comparing the riparian and adjusted wildlife habitat relative resource value of the resources. Those resources with either a "high" riparian or adjusted wildlife relative resource value are assigned a high combined relative value. Of the remaining resource areas, those with a "medium" riparian or adjusted wildlife resource value are assigned a medium combined relative value. The remaining resource areas are assigned a "low" combined relative value.
For more information, refer to the project website:
Copyright Text: Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Description: The City of Portland, Bureau of Planning, Natural Resource Inventory Update project GIS model wildlife habitat relative resource value. For more information about the City of Portland Natural Resource Inventory Update project, visit the project homepage at: For more information on the Natural Resource Inventory GIS model, refer to:
--Additional Information:
Category: Planning
Purpose: This information is intended to update Portland's existing natural resource inventories and inform existing environmental program implementation, current and future planning efforts, and future resource management decisions.
Update Frequency: As needed
Copyright Text: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Description: The City of Portland, Bureau of Planning, Natural Resource Inventory Update project GIS model relative riparian resource value. For more information about the City of Portland Natural Resource Inventory Update project, visit the project homepage at: For more information on the Natural Resource Inventory GIS model, refer to:
--Additional Information:
Category: Planning
Purpose: This information is intended to update Portland's existing natural resource inventories and inform existing environmental program implementation, current and future planning efforts, and future resource management decisions.
Update Frequency: As needed
Copyright Text: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Description: The City of Portland, Bureau of Planning, Natural Resource Inventory Update project GIS model wildlife habitat relative resource value. For more information about the City of Portland Natural Resource Inventory Update project, visit the project homepage at: For more information on the Natural Resource Inventory GIS model, refer to:
--Additional Information:
Category: Planning
Purpose: This information is intended to update Portland's existing natural resource inventories and inform existing environmental program implementation, current and future planning efforts, and future resource management decisions.
Update Frequency: As needed
Copyright Text: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Description: The City of Portland, Bureau of Planning, Natural Resource Inventory Update project GIS model relative riparian resource value. For more information about the City of Portland Natural Resource Inventory Update project, visit the project homepage at: For more information on the Natural Resource Inventory GIS model, refer to:
--Additional Information:
Category: Planning
Purpose: This information is intended to update Portland's existing natural resource inventories and inform existing environmental program implementation, current and future planning efforts, and future resource management decisions.
Update Frequency: As needed
Copyright Text: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Description: National Wetland Inventory (NWI) with revisions made by local governments in the tri-county region. Portland wetlands are updated from the original Metro dataset by City of Portland, Bureau of Planning & Sustainability to refine geometry, remove erroneously mapped wetlands, and add missing wetlands.
This data can be viewed online at
--Additional Information:
Category: Hydro
Purpose: For identifying the location of wetlands.
Update Frequency: As needed
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: Field Date, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Flag for Review?, length: 5
, Coded Values:
[True: True]
, [False: False]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Maintaining Agency, length: 30
, Coded Values:
[City of Portland: City of Portland]
, [City of Gresham: City of Gresham]
, [Clean Water Services: Clean Water Services]
, ...2 more...
Description: Vegetation patches larger than 1/2 acre. Based on information from reference data sources including 6" resolution aerial photos, Parks and Recreation natural area assessments, and vegetation surveys along the banks of the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Vegetation patches area classified as forest, woodland, shrubland, or herbaceous. The mapping area includes all land within the City of Portland and the unincorporated parts of Multnomah County that are administered by the City of Portland.
--Additional Information:
Category: Environmental
Purpose: For analyzing vegetation within Portland's riparian and upland areas. Developed as an input to the Bureau of Planning's GIS model for identifying significant natural resources.
The key goals of the vegetation mapping project were 1) refine the location of vegetation "patches" of areas previously mapped by Metro; 2) incorporate vegetation maps generated by other agencies such as Portland Parks and Recreation and the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and refine and improve that information where necessary; 3) map vegetation patches meeting Portland’s criteria for inclusion in the natural resource inventory a 1/2 acre minimum patch size versus the 1 to 2 acre patch size used by Metro for the regional dataset; 4) map all vegetation within a 1/4 mile of a surface stream, wetland, or regionally significant habitat resources included in Metro’s inventory; 5) classify the vegetation into four NVCS classes: forest, woodland, shrubland, and herbaceous; 6) further classify vegetation as either "natural/semi-natural" or "cultivated"; and 7) update, refine and improve the vegetation data annually as new aerial photos become available.
Update Frequency: As needed
Copyright Text: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability