Enter the two-digit year, a dash, and the six-digit permit case/number (e.g. 08-168311)
IVR (Inspection Request System) number
The IVR number is the unique identifier the assigned to the permit or case. Enter the six or seven digit IVR number (e.g. 2798743)
View Permit Detail
Click IVR or Application Number link in the result row to popup the permit detail
View in PortlandMaps
Double-click a result row or the link in the popup to open the result in PortlandMaps
Minimum search criteria
At least one field must be filled in with a search term longer than 1 character
The % sign can be used as a wildcard, but will not be counted in the length of a search term
Click a table column header to sort on that column. Click again to reverse the sort. Downloaded results will be sorted accordingly
Click on a page number or first <<, previous <, next > or last >> arrow to navigate the result set
Click on the CSV, JSON or XML buttons to download the entire result set in the corresponding format. It may take a while to download
Click on a numbered cluster to zoom into its members. Click on an individual point or result row to popup its information and highlight its row. Note: some results do not have associated points and cannot be clicked
In an effort to make permit activity information more accessible, the Bureau of Development Services Permit and Case Search now includes a new "Advanced Search" function. Every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible on these pages. The information included on these pages has been compiled from a variety of sources, and is subject to change without notice. The City of Portland makes no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy, quality, content, completeness of the data queried through this function. The City reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. Original records may differ from the information on these pages. Verification of information on source documents is recommended, and for records managed by the Bureau of Development Services verification can be requested through a Public Records Request at www.portlandoregon.gov/bds/54330. Please call 503-823-7300 for more information or write to Bureau of Development Services c/o Ross Caron, 1900 SW 4th Ave, Ste 5000, Portland OR, 97201. By using this application, you assume all risks arising out of or associated with access to these pages, including but not limited to risks of damage to your computer, peripherals, software and data from any virus, software, file or other cause associated with access to this application. The City will not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of any cause relating to use of this application, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, deletions, errors, or defects in any information contained in these pages, or any failure to receive or delay in receiving information.
Application Number
Enter the two-digit year, a dash, and the six-digit permit case/number (e.g. 08-168311)
IVR (Inspection Request System) number
The IVR number is the unique identifier the Bureau assigns to the permit or case. Enter the six or seven digit IVR number (e.g. 2798743)
View Permit Detail
Click IVR or Application Number link in the result row to popup the permit detail
View in PortlandMaps
Double-click a result row or the link in the popup to open the result in PortlandMaps
Minimum search criteria
At least one field must be filled in with a search term longer than 1 character
The % sign can be used as a wildcard, but will not be counted in the length of a search term
Click a table column header to sort on that column. Click again to reverse the sort. Downloaded results will be sorted accordingly
Click on a page number or first <<, previous <, next > or last >> arrow to navigate the result set
Click on the CSV, JSON or XML buttons to download the entire result set in the corresponding format. It may take a while to download
Click on a numbered cluster to zoom into its members. Click on an individual point or result row to popup its information and highlight its row. Note: some results do not have associated points and cannot be clicked
Note: Find this information in the future on the Help tab