Accessory Dwelling Unit Report

    2017 128917 1997-051080-000-00-RS New Construction [24-APR-01] Cancelled by STOORA.POLE BUILDING, 24X30 https://​​detail/​permit/​128917_​did/​ 01/​09/​2017 00:00 05/​16/​1997 00:00 01/​19/​2021 15:52 Final 12240 97 1S3E06CD 4800 VN 0 BDS GIS
    2000 2002891 1999-126313-000-00-RS 6125 NE DAVIS ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW ADU OVER NEW DETACHED GARAGE https://​​detail/​permit/​2002891_​did/​ 11/​24/​1999 00:00 02/​03/​2000 00:00 Final 29656 2000 NORTH TABOR 1N2E31DA 1700 R230720 V-N R3 1 7663848.34451676 684299.26263234 BPS GIS
    2000 2006888 1999-129949-000-00-RS 4914 SW DICKINSON ST New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR - & ADU IN BASEMENT WEST PORTLAND PARK, BL 3, LOT 18,19, https://​​detail/​permit/​2006888_​did/​ 12/​27/​1999 00:00 04/​24/​2000 00:00 Final 159488 2000 WEST PORTLAND PARK 1S1E31AA 500 R302197 V-N R3 2 7630427.47828775 657056.37190825 BPS GIS
    2000 2011929 2000-127222-000-00-RS 1217 SW CARSON ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW SFR (2 STORY ADU W 1 BR DOWN, 2BR UP) SEE COMMENTS. APPLICANT TO CONTACT MYLES BLACK FOR TREE REQ-EXT 4018. ADD REINSPECTION STRUCTURAL 05/​24/​00. https://​​detail/​permit/​2011929_​did/​ 02/​02/​2000 00:00 03/​31/​2000 13:48 06/​30/​2000 00:00 Final 57904 0 South Burlingame Neighborhood Association 1S1E21DC 13300 R126996 V-N R3 1 7640035.43971483 663025.34783116 BPS GIS
    2000 2014056 2000-129101-000-00-RS 2020 SW 15TH AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit Convert crawl space to ADU. One hr separation required between ADU and existing dwelling unit on same level and above the ADU. https://​​detail/​permit/​2014056_​did/​ 02/​17/​2000 00:00 04/​18/​2000 12:04 12/​06/​2000 15:29 Final 0 0 Southwest Hills Residential League SWHRL 1S1E04DB 7700 R127373 V-N R3 1 7640123.43953883 680059.27964249 BPS GIS
    2000 2014871 2000-129863-000-00-RS 9912 NW WIND RIDGE DR New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit 05/​25/​04 - J Eldredge - Revived this permit for $300.00 fee, in order to obtain final struc/​elec/​plb inspection approvals. Must have one added approval by 11/​30/​04.[10-NOV-03] Cancelled by STOORA.Build ADU W/​NSFR on Lot 11, Lakota. NOTE: NSFR is covered by IVR #2014861. ADD TEMP 200A SERVICE 06/​14/​00 FOR WEST SIDE ELECTRIC. ADD LIMITED ENERGY BY CONSTABLE AUDIO VIDEO 7/​30/​01 https://​​detail/​permit/​2014871_​did/​ 02/​24/​2000 00:00 04/​13/​2000 11:11 06/​08/​2004 11:55 Final 56870 0 Forest Park Neighborhood Association 1N1W23B 1300 R201101 V-N R3 1 7618525.38102900 698276.11525599 BPS GIS
    2000 2021051 2000-136598-000-00-RS 3146 NE 27TH AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE ADU IN BASEMENT - SEE VIOLATION CASE- Make corrections per inspection record. https://​​detail/​permit/​2021051_​did/​ 03/​03/​2000 00:00 03/​03/​2000 13:49 04/​14/​2000 00:00 Final 3400 0 Alameda Neighborhood Association 1N1E25BB 13700 R187290 V-N R3 1 7654451.38201150 692352.23045025 BPS GIS
    2000 2021236 2000-136775-000-00-RS 14024 E BURNSIDE ST Addition Accessory Dwelling Unit ADD ADU TO BACK OF GARAGE https://​​detail/​permit/​2021236_​did/​ 03/​06/​2000 00:00 03/​07/​2000 11:43 07/​21/​2000 00:00 Final 25000 0 Hazelwood Neighborhood Association 1N2E35DD 4300 R109536 V-N R3 1 7684597.26135217 682891.26840109 BPS GIS
    2000 2023904 2000-139400-000-00-RS 2533 NW STIMPSON LN New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR with ATTACHED ADU- UNIT 30 & 31 ( VICTORIAN W/​ GRANNNY FLAT) https://​​detail/​permit/​2023904_​did/​ 03/​13/​2000 00:00 08/​25/​2000 13:59 03/​05/​2002 11:18 Final 104496 0 Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association 1N1W26 600 R503848 V-N R3 2 7618171.72392791 691661.01431300 BPS GIS
    2000 2026731 2000-142108-000-00-RS 2630 SE 103RD AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit TO REOPEN AN OLD CANCELLED PERMIT 88-003285-CO WAS NEVER FINALED AND IN PART OF THE CONNECTED SFR'S AN ADU WAS CREATED AND NOT PERMITED-- INFO OBTAINED FROM JEFF ELDREDGE - See LS comment ----ADD REINSPECTION FEE FOR ELE PAID FOR 2-REINSPECT FEE--ONE IN ADVANCE https://​​detail/​permit/​2026731_​did/​ 03/​30/​2000 00:00 06/​08/​2000 11:13 09/​22/​2000 00:00 Final 43750 0 Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association 1S2E10BB 2900 R244281 V-N R3 1 7674688.30118325 676207.29522050 BPS GIS
    2000 2027006 2000-142377-000-00-RS 7494 SW 48TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit Build one-story ADU. https://​​detail/​permit/​2027006_​did/​ 03/​31/​2000 00:00 05/​25/​2000 13:08 01/​30/​2002 00:00 Final 0 0 Maplewood Neighborhood Association 1S1E19AD 1500 R329486 V-N R3 1 7631164.47517333 665511.33793792 BPS GIS
    2000 2031358 2000-146555-000-00-RS 3453 NW THURMAN ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit Convert basement to ADU. Add exterior stairs to existing porch (work on stairs has been done). See 00-141289-HS Violation. 9-14-00: Appeal for height obstruction. https://​​detail/​permit/​2031358_​did/​ 05/​01/​2000 00:00 06/​27/​2000 14:42 11/​22/​2000 00:00 Final 18000 0 Northwest District Association 1N1E29CD 7000 R307942 V-N R3 1 7633852.46454799 689805.24079358 BPS GIS
    2000 2033480 2000-148592-000-00-RS 1716 SE TAGGART ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT BEDROOM & BATHROOM INTO ADU, ADDING KITCHEN FACILITIES. ADD (1) 200A SVC, (2) CKTS ON 10/​26/​00. ADD KITCHEN VENT HOOD 2/​15/​01. https://​​detail/​permit/​2033480_​did/​ 05/​11/​2000 00:00 06/​22/​2000 12:02 04/​25/​2001 11:27 Final 1500 0 Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood District (HAND) 1S1E11AB 16000 R287534 V-N R3 1 7651346.39445509 676636.29337825 BPS GIS
    2000 2033525 2000-148634-000-00-RS 3602 NE 105TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit Build detached ADU. See notes. https://​​detail/​permit/​2033525_​did/​ 05/​12/​2000 00:00 07/​06/​2000 09:43 01/​17/​2002 00:00 Final 31937 0 Parkrose Neighborhood Association 1N2E22CC 3500 R235503 V-N R3 1 7675825.29661266 692984.22820201 BPS GIS
    2000 2033646 2000-148751-000-00-RS 1840 SW HAWTHORNE TER New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD 933 SQ FT GARAGE & 922 SQ FT ADU ABOVE GARAGE, PER LUR 00-00081 HDZM & AD. https://​​detail/​permit/​2033646_​did/​ 05/​12/​2000 00:00 07/​06/​2000 13:57 04/​16/​2002 00:00 Final 85000 0 Southwest Hills Residential League SWHRL 1S1E04CC 8000 R174477 V-N R3 1 7638352.44636167 678861.28466316 BPS GIS
    2000 2034250 2000-149321-000-00-RS 3248 SW UPPER DR New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR with accessory dwelling unit----ADD 3 SEPERATE 99' WATER DRY LINES 11/​27/​00 https://​​detail/​permit/​2034250_​did/​ 05/​17/​2000 00:00 08/​04/​2000 14:18 08/​02/​2002 00:00 Final 120318 0 Southwest Hills Residential League SWHRL 1S1E05DC 3300 R271369 V-N R3 2 7635789.45673699 678112.28747351 BPS GIS
    2000 2039448 2000-154320-000-00-RS 1920 SE 35TH PL New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR WITH ADU ATTACHED https://​​detail/​permit/​2039448_​did/​ 06/​16/​2000 00:00 02/​13/​2001 14:32 06/​07/​2004 14:25 Final 217168 0 Richmond Neighborhood Association 1S1E01DB 9501 R234079 V-N R3 2 7656777.37276633 678908.28424109 BPS GIS
    2000 2039710 2000-154571-000-00-RS 254 NW MACLEAY BLVD Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CREATE ADU IN BASEMENT, DECK OFF BASEMENT LEVEL, MAIN FLOOR KITCHEN REMODEL. https://​​detail/​permit/​2039710_​did/​ 06/​20/​2000 00:00 06/​20/​2000 11:26 03/​20/​2001 10:56 Final 30000 0 Hillside Neighborhood Association 1N1E32DA 2600 R263770 V-N R3 1 7637244.45087425 685368.25852583 BPS GIS
    2001 2049829 2000-164399-000-00-RS 3636 SE FRANKLIN ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT GARAGE INTO ADU and ADD A NEW OFF STREET PARKING SPACE.- LEGILIZE PER NOTICE- SEE LETTERS https://​​detail/​permit/​2049829_​did/​ 08/​02/​2000 00:00 11/​13/​2000 12:18 12/​12/​2000 00:00 Final 12000 0 Richmond Neighborhood Association 1S1E12AC 2200 R299191 V-N R3 1 7657145.37137417 675133.29933700 BPS GIS
    2001 2052332 2000-166811-000-00-RS 3623 NE 73RD AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit Permit to replace #96-054826 to legalize a change of occupancy from garage to separate dwelling unit with addition of 13.5 x 37. Converting a detached garage into a separate dwelling unit. - ADD ON GAS PIPING 10/​13/​00 -ADD 200A SERVICE AND 2 CKT 12/​01/​00 FOR NEW TECH ELECTRIC/​ADD REINSPECTION ELE 12/​20/​00 https://​​detail/​permit/​2052332_​did/​ 08/​16/​2000 00:00 09/​19/​2000 12:01 12/​20/​2000 16:46 Final 2000 0 Roseway Neighborhood Association 1N2E20DC 13500 R300561 V-N R3 1 7667181.33128909 693234.22704583 BPS GIS
    2001 2052655 2000-128178-REV-03-RS 3406 NE 12TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit 8/​17/​00 - REVISION - CHANGE SCOPE OF PROJECT TO ADU--- ADDING KITCHEN AND LOWER HEIGHT OF CEILING;18-APR-02 [NYSTROML] Add-On Permit Req. https://​​detail/​permit/​2052655_​did/​ 08/​17/​2000 00:00 05/​10/​2002 08:57 Issued 25313 0 Irvington Community Association, Sabin Community Association 1N1E26BA 3600 R188873 V-N R3 1 7650530.39772749 693071.22769991 BPS GIS
    2001 2062294 2000-176544-000-00-RS 332 NE 61ST AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE CONVERSION OF BASEMENT TO ADU/​ ADD 2 FIXTURES FOR KTP PLUMBING 04/​03/​01 SEE COMMENTS https://​​detail/​permit/​2062294_​did/​ 09/​19/​2000 00:00 11/​30/​2000 08:01 04/​19/​2001 00:00 Final 0 0 North Tabor Neighborhood Association 1N2E31DA 2800 R230702 V-N R3 1 7663805.34460276 684707.26116017 BPS GIS
    2001 2063737 2000-177916-000-00-RS 7506 E BURNSIDE ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE UPPER UNIT AS ADU-ADDING ENTRY,DOORS, WINDOWS PER INSPECTION REPORT DATED 9/​28/​00-**SEE COMMENTS** https://​​detail/​permit/​2063737_​did/​ 09/​27/​2000 00:00 11/​15/​2000 10:35 02/​26/​2014 12:53 Final 0 0 Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association 1N2E32DC 2200 R222184 V-N R3 1 7667577.32951284 683527.26581675 BPS GIS
    2001 2064077 2000-178243-000-00-RS 5034 SE BELMONT ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit Build detached ADU, 861 SF (891SF w/​bays), 2 bedrooms, 1 bath as approved in LUR 00-107 AD. 3 PLANS ONLY. https://​​detail/​permit/​2064077_​did/​ 09/​28/​2000 00:00 05/​22/​2001 14:29 01/​25/​2002 13:41 Final 60000 0 Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association 1S2E06BA 17200 R142460 V-N R3 1 7661148.35516608 681365.27440584 BPS GIS
    2001 2069228 2000-183142-000-00-RS 2209 NE BRAZEE ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD 792 SQ FT ADU AT REAR OF PROPERTY. https://​​detail/​permit/​2069228_​did/​ 10/​27/​2000 00:00 12/​12/​2000 11:04 05/​10/​2001 15:17 Final 0 0 Irvington Community Association 1N1E26DA 600 R187651 V-N R3 1 7653092.38768225 690559.23764516 BPS GIS
    2001 2070309 2000-184171-000-00-RS 11537 SW 58TH CT New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR WITH ADU ABOVE ATTACHED GARAGE READ COMMENTS! ADD RE-INSPECTION FEE 8/​23/​01. https://​​detail/​permit/​2070309_​did/​ 11/​03/​2000 00:00 05/​25/​2001 14:51 10/​25/​2001 00:00 Final 265348 0 Far Southwest Neighborhood Association 1S1E31BD 4005 R481895 V-N R3 2 7628165.48740491 655172.37928517 BPS GIS
    2001 2083794 2001-101130-000-00-RS 13334 SE TAGGART ST Alteration Single Family Dwelling CONVERT STORAGE BUILDING TO NSFR - SEE L/​S COMMENTS. https://​​detail/​permit/​2083794_​did/​ 01/​10/​2001 00:00 03/​12/​2001 13:09 08/​29/​2001 14:13 Final 0 1 Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association 1S2E11AB 4102 R270894 V-N R3 1 7682990.26784699 675180.29924300 BPS GIS
    2001 2084043 2001-101373-000-00-RS 5109 NE AINSWORTH ST - Unit A New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD ATTACHED. ADU TO (E) SFR-- NEEDS FIXTURE FIELDS INPUT*** re-inspection for mech 12/​04/​01*** - ADD RE-INSPECTION FOR ELEC 12/​07/​01- ADD RE-INSPECTION FEE FOR ELEC 12-11-01, 12/​20/​01 REINSPECTION FEE BLDG - ADD RE-INSPECTION 04/​17/​02 FOR ELECTRICAL FINAL - ADD ELEC RE-INSPECTION 04/​19/​02-ADD ON FINAL BLDG REINSPECTION 05/​08/​02 https://​​detail/​permit/​2084043_​did/​ 01/​11/​2001 00:00 08/​02/​2001 10:15 05/​08/​2002 16:47 Final 46602 1 Cully Association of Neighbors 1N2E18CA 4200 R314172 V-N R3 1 7661636.35320583 699783.20082450 BPS GIS
    2001 2084048 2001-101378-000-00-RS 5604 NE WYGANT ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT ADDITION CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION - PERMIT # 99-54349 -TO AN ADU https://​​detail/​permit/​2084048_​did/​ 01/​11/​2001 00:00 06/​14/​2001 17:28 01/​23/​2002 00:00 Final 1000 1 Cully Association of Neighbors 1N2E19AC 3000 R156490 V-N R3 1 7662792.34859725 696398.21448424 BPS GIS
    2001 2087315 2001-125513-000-00-RS 16426 NE FREMONT ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit Build detached garage with ADU above. See comments. https://​​detail/​permit/​2087315_​did/​ 02/​06/​2001 00:00 05/​10/​2001 11:48 01/​17/​2002 00:00 Final 52320 1 Wilkes Community Group 1N3E30BB 748 R503038 V-N R3 1 7691456.23418275 692056.23169841 BPS GIS
    2001 2088815 2001-126943-000-00-RS 2837 SE CESAR E CHAVEZ BLVD Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE ADU, WORK DONE PRIOR TO PERMITTING. ADD BATHROOM TO PRIMARY LIVING SPACE. CONTINUE MANUF. TRUSSES IN ADU AREA IN PLACE OF 2"X4" RAFTERS. https://​​detail/​permit/​2088815_​did/​ 02/​15/​2001 00:00 07/​17/​2001 12:59 09/​02/​2003 09:21 Final 20000 1 Richmond Neighborhood Association 1S1E12AA 11900 R255051 V-N R3 1 7657831.36868983 676294.29471841 BPS GIS
    2001 2088890 2001-127015-000-00-RS 10236 NE PACIFIC ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW DWELLING UNIT - DETACHED (928 SF) ON SAME LOT AS 10232 NE PACIFIC https://​​detail/​permit/​2088890_​did/​ 02/​16/​2001 00:00 06/​26/​2001 12:19 10/​05/​2001 15:18 Final 60410 1 Hazelwood Neighborhood Association 1N2E34BC 3800 R291414 V-N R3 1 7674880.30047116 685571.25779175 BPS GIS
    2001 2089748 2001-127811-000-00-RS 4114 NE ROYAL CT Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE ADU, WORK IS COMPLETED. NEW BATH, KITCHEN ETC. https://​​detail/​permit/​2089748_​did/​ 02/​23/​2001 00:00 02/​23/​2001 14:49 12/​04/​2003 15:17 Final 10000 1 Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association 1N1E36AD 4400 R203376 V-N R3 1 7658698.36498733 685910.25645758 BPS GIS
    2001 2093635 2001-131482-000-00-RS 4440 NE 35TH AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW ADU- CONVERT EXISTING DETACHED GARAGE INTO LIVING SPACE. NEW KITCHEN, BATH, ETC. 5-2-01: To date, no electrical, plumbing or mechanical fees were paid as a part of this permit./​ ADD 7 PLUMBING FIXTURES/​ 120 FEET OF WATER SERVICE AND 120 FEET SANITARY SEWER/​ MECH/​ 2 BATH FANS/​ KITCHEN HOOD/​DRYER EXHAUST/​ELEC/​ 1,000 SQ FT PCKG/​ 200 AMP SERVICE/​ 5-3-01 https://​​detail/​permit/​2093635_​did/​ 03/​21/​2001 00:00 04/​26/​2001 14:28 06/​27/​2001 14:49 Final 0 1 Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association 1N1E24DB 6300 R307024 V-N R3 1 7656953.37208625 695614.21769266 BPS GIS
    2001 2095051 2001-132805-000-00-RS 2315 NW STIMPSON LN New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR W/​ ADU- UNIT 42/​43-Same as 01-132807 RS https://​​detail/​permit/​2095051_​did/​ 03/​30/​2001 00:00 05/​25/​2001 09:41 10/​24/​2001 14:00 Final 181226 1 Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association 1N1W26 600 R518104 V-N R3 2 7617993.67047825 691321.23284033 BPS GIS
    2001 2095053 2001-132807-000-00-RS 9802 NW JUSTUS LN New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR W/​ ADU- UNIT 53/​54-Same as 01-132805 RS https://​​detail/​permit/​2095053_​did/​ 03/​30/​2001 00:00 05/​25/​2001 09:35 10/​30/​2001 00:00 Final 181226 1 Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association 1N1W26 600 R518105 V-N R3 2 7618293.64625624 691858.43747459 BPS GIS
    2001 2095055 2001-132809-000-00-RS 9838 NW JUSTUS LN New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR W/​ ADU- UNIT 62/​63-Same as 01-132805, 01-132807 RS https://​​detail/​permit/​2095055_​did/​ 03/​30/​2001 00:00 05/​25/​2001 09:36 10/​18/​2001 12:35 Final 181226 1 Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association 1N1W26 600 R518112 V-N R3 2 7618263.43273399 691486.79681366 BPS GIS
    2001 2095364 2001-133106-000-00-RS 16037 NE GLISAN ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD DETACHED ADU (2ND DWELLING ON LOT WITH EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY)=475 SQ FT. NO MECHANICAL ADDED TO THIS APPLICATION. https://​​detail/​permit/​2095364_​did/​ 04/​03/​2001 00:00 09/​04/​2001 09:49 02/​05/​2002 00:00 Final 47263 1 Wilkes Community Group 1N2E36AD 2600 R169933 V-N R3 1 7690016.48870266 684449.24264733 BPS GIS
    2001 2099045 2001-136615-000-00-RS 2414 NE COUCH ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT BASEMENT TO ADU***ADD PLUMB, ELEC, & MECH 07/​20/​01-ADD ON GAS PIPING JACK CORMAN PLBG 08/​06/​01 https://​​detail/​permit/​2099045_​did/​ 04/​27/​2001 00:00 07/​20/​2001 12:43 11/​01/​2002 12:06 Final 0 1 Kerns Neighborhood Association 1N1E35DA 18700 R197346 V-N R3 1 7653394.38642209 684196.26316642 BPS GIS
    2001 2099240 2001-136802-000-00-RS 8045 SE FLAVEL ST Addition Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FROM GARDEN SHED (PART OF FLOOR PLAN CROSSES PROP LINE) TO ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT, WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS. LUR 01-00127 AD/​ADD PT,ET,MT 12-28-01 ADD SERVICE PERMIT 03/​08/​02TO FEEDER 3/​7/​02 BOB T. https://​​detail/​permit/​2099240_​did/​ 04/​30/​2001 00:00 11/​15/​2001 14:14 04/​12/​2002 10:05 Final 38835 1 Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association 1S2E20AD 8400 R336380 V-N R3 1 7668350.32665449 663913.34441476 BPS GIS
    2001 2099246 2001-136808-000-00-RS 525 SE 34TH AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT GARAGE TO ADU - SEE LUR # 01-00121-AD https://​​detail/​permit/​2099246_​did/​ 04/​30/​2001 00:00 05/​09/​2001 12:25 07/​24/​2001 15:21 Final 0 1 Sunnyside Neighborhood Association 1S1E01AB 25500 R280339 V-N R3 1 7656219.37519467 682487.27019334 BPS GIS
    2001 2102018 2001-139468-000-00-RS 5531 SW BUDDINGTON ST Move Accessory Dwelling Unit MOVE ADU TO LOT SHARED WITH SFR ON PERMIT#01-139466-RS READ COMMENTS See House Move violation case 01-176799 HS https://​​detail/​permit/​2102018_​did/​ 05/​16/​2001 00:00 05/​20/​2002 14:14 03/​10/​2004 14:46 Final 0 1 Far Southwest Neighborhood Association 1S1E31BD 600 R331231 V-N R3 1 7628668.71999424 655764.39483341 BPS GIS
    2001 2102242 2001-139682-000-00-RS 16033 NE GLISAN ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW DETACHED ADU W/​ATTACHED GARAGE - SEE 01-139671-RS FOR NSFR https://​​detail/​permit/​2102242_​did/​ 05/​17/​2001 00:00 09/​04/​2001 09:46 01/​31/​2002 15:53 Final 51559 1 Wilkes Community Group 1N2E36AD 2602 R508700 V-N R3 1 7690000.24004750 684534.26183425 BPS GIS
    2001 2105036 2001-142364-000-00-RS 7152 SW LAVIEW DR New Construction Single Family Dwelling BUILD NSFR W/​ ATTACHED ADU ON LOTS 12, 14, 16 BLOCK 17 SOUTHERN PORTLAND--add on 3 a/​c, 2 vents, 2 dryer exhaust,8 exhaust fans, and 6 gas piping 12/​30/​02/​ ADD LIMITED ENERGY- WORK TO BE DONE BY PHILLIPS ELEC- 4-3-03 https://​​detail/​permit/​2105036_​did/​ 06/​07/​2001 00:00 04/​16/​2002 08:40 03/​16/​2005 15:36 Final 345074 1 South Portland Neighborhood Association 1S1E22BA 11900 R273219 V-N R3 2 7644072.58780850 666139.67329542 BPS GIS
    2002 2110107 2001-147194-000-00-RS 4316 N ALBINA AVE Addition Accessory Dwelling Unit ADD 9 ft by 26 ft addition to rear of house and add 2nd floor over the entire area for new ADU W/​5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and a kitchen. Access by exterior stairs https://​​detail/​permit/​2110107_​did/​ 07/​05/​2001 00:00 11/​05/​2001 11:45 12/​02/​2002 00:00 Final 123409 1 Humboldt Neighborhood Association 1N1E22CA 1900 R130914 V-N R3 1 7645217.41918025 695885.21649449 BPS GIS
    2002 2113266 2001-150218-000-00-RS 5829 SE 50TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW ADU STRUCTURE AT REAR OF LOT*** re-inspection for framing, fee paid 11/​30/​01*** https://​​detail/​permit/​2113266_​did/​ 07/​24/​2001 00:00 09/​05/​2001 14:56 01/​17/​2002 14:35 Final 0 1 Woodstock Neighborhood Association 1S2E18CA 6400 R313088 V-N R3 1 7660497.35778041 668172.32736659 BPS GIS
    2002 2113503 2001-150449-000-00-CO 2384 SW CEDAR ST New Construction Rowhouse (3 or more units) Build row house with ADU, Lot 4 of 4, WASHINGTON PARK HOMES. NEW R#507533 https://​​detail/​permit/​2113503_​did/​ 07/​25/​2001 00:00 03/​22/​2002 08:31 05/​09/​2003 15:50 Final 0 1 Goose Hollow Foothills League 1N1E33CC 1604 R507532 R3 2 7638159.17837550 684242.03702500 BPS GIS
    2002 2114627 2001-151523-000-00-RS 11600 SE MADISON ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT GARAGE TO ADU (GARAGE WAS PRIOR RESIDENCE, PORTIONS OF PLUMBING REMAIN) https://​​detail/​permit/​2114627_​did/​ 08/​01/​2001 00:00 10/​30/​2001 13:35 05/​27/​2003 14:35 Final 20000 1 Mill Park Neighborhood Association 1S2E03AC 2900 R133724 V-N R3 1 7678235.28687141 679746.28092466 BPS GIS
    2002 2117014 2001-153811-000-00-RS 5360 SE 96TH AVE Addition Single Family Dwelling ADD NEW 2 STORY ADDITION TO ATTACHED GARAGE WITH 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR LIVING SPACE AND BATHROOM. See Folder Comments/​REPLACE 99 FT OF WATER LINE 10-23-01/​ELECTRICAL ADDED - 1-200 AMP SERVICE PLUS 20 CIRCUITS 10-23-01-ADD ON 1 ADDTL GAS PIPING 05/​20/​02 ***REPIPE BASEMENT& ADD 2 MORE FIXTURES 6/​03/​02/​ ADD 3 CIRCUITS- 4-4-03--ADD ON LIMITED ENERGY 09/​16/​03 https://​​detail/​permit/​2117014_​did/​ 08/​15/​2001 00:00 10/​17/​2001 10:19 06/​04/​2004 09:49 Final 0 1 Lents Neighborhood Association 1S2E16AC 1800 R266263 V-N R3 1 7672638.30922025 669163.32341609 BPS GIS
    2002 2117888 2001-154646-000-00-RS 81 NE AINSWORTH ST - Unit A Addition Single Family Dwelling ADU - ADDITION TO NORTH SIDE OF HOUSE FOR ADU. Install water in alley-ADD ON REINSPECTION 02/​21/​02 https://​​detail/​permit/​2117888_​did/​ 08/​21/​2001 00:00 10/​24/​2001 11:13 07/​24/​2002 14:30 Final 50917 1 Piedmont Neighborhood Association 1N1E15DA 16200 R243580 V-N R3 1 7647664.40936500 700123.19948834 BPS GIS
    2002 2119162 2001-155876-000-00-RS 1620 SE 174TH AVE New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR WITH ATTACHED ADU- TAX LOT 3700 https://​​detail/​permit/​2119162_​did/​ 08/​29/​2001 00:00 11/​21/​2001 13:36 10/​07/​2002 14:15 Final 192671 1 Centennial Community Association 1S3E06DB 3700 R338150 V-N R3 2 7693423.22631175 678670.28537326 BPS GIS
    2002 2130906 2001-167287-000-00-RS 10264 NW EDGEWOOD DR New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR W/​ ADU, ATTACHED GARAGE https://​​detail/​permit/​2130906_​did/​ 10/​16/​2001 00:00 12/​13/​2001 09:46 09/​12/​2002 00:00 Final 241244 1 Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association 1N1W26CB 100 R165079 V-N R3 2 7617330.53072841 691277.23489683 BPS GIS
    2002 2136138 2001-172309-000-00-RS 3564 N MISSOURI AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW ADU IN LOWER LEVEL OF SFR, DOWNSPOUTS - ADDRESSES PARENT 01-155429-AL AND 01-157349-HS (SEE COMMENTS) https://​​detail/​permit/​2136138_​did/​ 11/​20/​2001 00:00 12/​26/​2001 08:22 Expired 0 1 Boise Neighborhood Association 1N1E22CC 2700 R223796 V-N R3 1 7644330.42259466 693689.22515158 BPS GIS
    2002 2136403 2001-172564-000-00-RS 9910 N JERSEY ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT GARAGE TO ADU https://​​detail/​permit/​2136403_​did/​ 11/​21/​2001 00:00 04/​08/​2002 12:24 11/​30/​2004 15:47 Final 22400 1 St Johns Neighborhood Association 1N1W01CB 8900 R215055 V-N R3 1 7623036.68270191 712170.68129884 BPS GIS
    2002 2214073 2002-102885-000-00-RS 2351 NW JOHNSON ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CREATE ADU IN ATTIC, REMOVE KITCHEN IN BASEMENT - SEE RELATED CASES & COMPLETNESS CHECK acct 154775 2002 Water Fees Updated https://​​detail/​permit/​2214073_​did/​ 04/​04/​2002 00:00 07/​12/​2002 09:18 10/​23/​2002 09:17 Final 0 2 Northwest District Association 1N1E33BC 8700 R198397 V-N R3 1 7638436.25426492 686485.00990125 BPS GIS
    2002 2214223 2002-103029-000-00-RS 3405 SW SHERWOOD PL New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR-w/​ADU and ATT. GAR--VIRGINIA HGTS BLK 10 TLS 2 & 3./​PAID 75.00 ELECTRICAL REINSPECTION FEE 09-12-03 ** $75.00 Erosion Control Re-inspection fee per GPapasadero 12-2-03** $75.00 EROSION CONTROL REINSPECTION FEE T. LAUGHLIN 7/​1/​04 https://​​detail/​permit/​2214223_​did/​ 01/​22/​2002 00:00 09/​23/​2002 09:22 R2P2 660838 2 Southwest Hills Residential League SWHRL 1S1E09BC 4000 R296926 V-N R3 2 7638247.28876358 675662.86323850 BPS GIS
    2002 2214942 2002-103716-000-00-RS 4145 NE BEAUMONT ST Addition Accessory Dwelling Unit ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE TO CREATE AN ADU/​HAD 200 AMP SERVICE - CHG TO 201 + SERVICE AND ADD 15 CIRCUITS 06-04-02 https://​​detail/​permit/​2214942_​did/​ 01/​25/​2002 00:00 04/​05/​2002 13:54 11/​18/​2002 16:07 Final 0 2 Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association 1N1E25AA 20200 R112783 V-N R3 1 7658826.78861499 691867.21435992 BPS GIS
    2002 2219347 2002-107905-000-00-RS 6037 NE 13TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW DETACHED GARAGE WITH ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT ABOVE https://​​detail/​permit/​2219347_​did/​ 02/​20/​2002 00:00 09/​09/​2002 14:34 01/​22/​2003 16:57 Final 45916 2 Woodlawn Neighborhood Association 1N1E14CA 19000 R180089 V-N R3 1 7650919.50029575 700146.29228992 BPS GIS
    2002 2219664 2002-108210-000-00-RS 2629 SE 109TH AVE New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR W/​ATTACHED ADU AND ATTACHED GARAGE. S PARTITION PLAT 1998-165 PARCEL 2 https://​​detail/​permit/​2219664_​did/​ 02/​21/​2002 00:00 06/​11/​2002 12:09 07/​09/​2003 13:31 Final 201374 2 Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association 1S2E10BA 4401 R240327 V-N R3 2 7675956.60212433 676180.51541841 BPS GIS
    2002 2222728 2002-111128-000-00-RS 2252 SE 105TH AVE Addition Accessory Dwelling Unit 08/​12/​05 - J Eldredge - 2nd extension granted for this permit, per customer's request. Must have one additional approval by 02/​15/​06.01/​23/​03 JFE- One time extension granted, must have 1 approval prior to 7/​24/​03. COMPLETE 96-51723 FIRE DAMAGE: DORMER AND APARTMENT ABOVE EXISTING GARAGE; DECK WAS PERMITTED UNDER CANCELLED PERMIT 99-51902; CARPORT ROOF COVERING WAS ADDED OVER EXISTING CARPORT WITHOUT PERMIT. REPAIRS PER VIO LETTER - SEE COMPLETNESS CHECK https://​​detail/​permit/​2222728_​did/​ 03/​12/​2002 00:00 07/​10/​2002 16:06 01/​02/​2007 14:56 Final 33091 2 Hazelwood Neighborhood Association 1S2E03CC 1200 R332028 V-N R3 1 7675475.60308633 677396.14947008 BPS GIS
    2002 2226095 2002-114319-000-00-RS 8233 SW 39TH AVE - Unit A New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU WITH GARAGE (FOR MAIN HOUSE SEE 02-113106--SAME PLAN SETS) https://​​detail/​permit/​2226095_​did/​ 04/​02/​2002 00:00 05/​17/​2002 08:50 10/​15/​2002 13:34 Final 79703 2 Multnomah Neighborhood Association 1S1E20CD 8000 R180641 V-N R3 1 7633320.26548117 663390.75654916 BPS GIS
    2002 2226652 2002-114857-000-00-RS 1525 SE 33RD AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW GARAGE w/​ADU - see comments FEES ADJUSTED VALUE MORE THAN INTAKE. https://​​detail/​permit/​2226652_​did/​ 04/​04/​2002 00:00 06/​10/​2002 15:04 06/​25/​2003 13:44 Final 84771 2 Richmond Neighborhood Association 1S1E01CA 300 R273012 V-N R3 1 7655863.03470000 679832.27583142 BPS GIS
    2002 2226963 2002-115127-000-00-RS 10268 NW EDGEWOOD DR New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR W/​ ADU, DETACHED GARAGE **** See Comments**** https://​​detail/​permit/​2226963_​did/​ 04/​08/​2002 00:00 05/​16/​2002 12:28 02/​04/​2003 07:00 Final 260000 2 Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association 1N1W26CB 100 R165079 V-N R3 2 7617399.35834667 691272.86187408 BPS GIS
    2002 2227671 2002-115802-000-00-RS 5184 SW CUSTER ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD 528 SF ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT NO GARAGE acct 175461 https://​​detail/​permit/​2227671_​did/​ 04/​11/​2002 00:00 06/​11/​2002 11:47 06/​30/​2003 00:00 Final 45566 2 Maplewood Neighborhood Association 1S1E19AC 10300 R329423 V-N R3 1 7629724.11716167 665045.61478800 BPS GIS
    2002 2227809 2002-115936-000-00-RS 2337 SW MARKET STREET DR Addition Single Family Dwelling ADDITON UNDER HOUSE FOR NEW STUDIO/​CHANGE ELE FROM 3 CKTS TO SVC/​3 CKT 07/​18/​02 https://​​detail/​permit/​2227809_​did/​ 04/​12/​2002 00:00 05/​03/​2002 14:47 02/​13/​2003 12:16 Final 35901 2 Goose Hollow Foothills League, Southwest Hills Residential League SWHRL 1S1E04BB 1100 R128358 V-N R3 1 7638459.65808950 682869.86850949 BPS GIS
    2002 2229048 2002-117121-000-00-RS 931 NE CESAR E CHAVEZ BLVD Addition Accessory Dwelling Unit demo existing attached garage and construct new garage and home office on the first floor with ADU on the 2nd floor. https://​​detail/​permit/​2229048_​did/​ 04/​22/​2002 00:00 06/​14/​2002 08:16 12/​02/​2002 15:19 Final 0 2 Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association 1N1E36AD 17000 R202587 V-N R3 1 7657970.05706075 686417.67243749 BPS GIS
    2002 2229629 2002-117672-000-00-RS 11320 SW CAPITOL HWY Move Accessory Dwelling Unit MOVE ADU TO LOT SHARED WITH SFR See House Move violation case 02-116661 HS/​ ADD 200 AMP SERVICE & 11 CIRCUITS- 9-4-02 https://​​detail/​permit/​2229629_​did/​ 04/​24/​2002 00:00 07/​16/​2002 14:48 10/​23/​2002 00:00 Final 10000 2 Far Southwest Neighborhood Association 1S1E31BD 400 R331198 V-N R3 1 7628550.96760509 655919.24163658 BPS GIS
    2002 2230195 2002-118218-000-00-RS 16439 NE KLICKITAT ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU DETACHED-- LAS BRISAS LOT 45 - ON PLANS W/​02-116582-RS SAME AS 01-125513 RS https://​​detail/​permit/​2230195_​did/​ 04/​29/​2002 00:00 07/​09/​2002 11:36 12/​06/​2002 00:00 Final 70632 2 Wilkes Community Group 1N3E30BB 743 R503033 V-N R3 1 7691575.83368108 691957.99928334 BPS GIS
    2002 2230610 2002-118607-000-00-RS 134 SE 72ND AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU/​GARAGE (FOR MAIN SFR PERMIT SEE 02-117174-RS---SAME PLAN) https://​​detail/​permit/​2230610_​did/​ 05/​01/​2002 00:00 06/​26/​2002 15:10 10/​13/​2003 15:59 Final 57907 2 Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association 1N2E32DC 8700 R143507 V-N R3 1 7666760.02766975 683347.96794700 BPS GIS
    2002 2231957 2002-119896-000-00-RS 6720 NW SKYLINE BLVD New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit COMPLETE WORK STARTED UNDER 95-50927-RS; BUILD ON EXISTING FOUNDATION NEW GARAGE W/​ADU - SEE COMMENTS IN PARENT PERMIT FROM JEFF ELDREDGE RE: FEES - SEE COMMENTS THIS FOLDER. https://​​detail/​permit/​2231957_​did/​ 05/​09/​2002 00:00 09/​08/​2004 14:09 01/​25/​2007 15:16 Final 83711 2 Forest Park Neighborhood Association 1N1W15AD 500 R324264 V-N R3 1 7616211.07004083 702469.16231608 BPS GIS
    2002 2234513 2002-122321-000-00-RS 3554 SE ALDER ST New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD A NEW ADU separate structure. https://​​detail/​permit/​2234513_​did/​ 05/​23/​2002 00:00 09/​05/​2002 18:28 04/​08/​2004 14:04 Final 39525 2 Sunnyside Neighborhood Association 1S1E01AB 11400 R143087 V-N R3 1 7656870.06057308 682008.46767326 BPS GIS
    2002 2238252 2002-125899-000-00-RS 1925 SE 35TH AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE & REMODEL ADU - SEE PARENT CASE https://​​detail/​permit/​2238252_​did/​ 06/​17/​2002 00:00 04/​03/​2003 08:21 01/​19/​2018 14:38 Final 21105 2 Richmond Neighborhood Association 1S1E01DB 14800 R258411 V-N R3 1 7656343.37461858 678900.28425709 BPS GIS
    2002 2238392 2002-126035-000-00-RS 2304 NE 54TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD NEW 19' X 26' DETACHED GARAGE WITH 1 DWELLING UNIT ON 2ND FLOOR. https://​​detail/​permit/​2238392_​did/​ 06/​18/​2002 00:00 04/​06/​2004 08:39 12/​19/​2011 12:32 Final 49954 2 Rose City Park Neighborhood Association 1N2E30DB 6100 R217346 V-N R3 1 7662121.53957141 689728.74586783 BPS GIS
    2003 2241593 2002-129098-000-00-RS 2391 NW IRVING ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT BASEMENT LIVING SPACE WITH SECOND SINK COVENANT [NOT AN ADU] - See Comments - ADD VENTING IN LAUNDRY ROOM AND 1 DRYER VENT BY CHRISTIAN CONST. CO. 12/​20/​02 https://​​detail/​permit/​2241593_​did/​ 07/​03/​2002 00:00 08/​21/​2002 14:57 06/​05/​2003 15:46 Final 24920 2 Northwest District Association 1N1E33BC 6200 R198451 V-N R3 1 7638235.66280258 686202.18533567 BPS GIS
    2003 2246460 2002-133725-000-00-RS 3600 NE CLEVELAND AVE New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR C W/​ ADU--COMPLEX --EXISTING SFR TO BE DEMOLISHED UNDER 02-133968-RS https://​​detail/​permit/​2246460_​did/​ 08/​01/​2002 00:00 11/​27/​2002 10:05 03/​21/​2003 16:06 Final 152194 2 Boise Neighborhood Association 1N1E22DD 19100 R103190 V-N R3 2 7647394.53424858 693670.36232842 BPS GIS
    2003 2249844 2002-136962-000-00-RS 8504 SW 54TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit BUILD AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT OVER NEW GARAGE 2/​4/​03 this is no longer an ADU. Applicant submitted new plans for a room above the garage that will not be an ADU. SF *** ADD L/​V WIRING 2/​4/​05*** https://​​detail/​permit/​2249844_​did/​ 08/​21/​2002 00:00 06/​25/​2004 14:51 09/​18/​2008 17:04 Final 84024 2 Ashcreek Neighborhood Association 1S1E19DC 5300 R329547 V-N R3 1 7629452.26829592 662951.34043325 BPS GIS
    2003 2258618 2002-145322-000-00-RS 2545 SE 17TH AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CREATE ADU UNIT ON 2ND FLOOR OF EXISTING SFR , CONVERT BASEMENT TO LIVING SPACE https://​​detail/​permit/​2258618_​did/​ 10/​10/​2002 00:00 03/​21/​2003 12:33 05/​05/​2005 15:43 Final 15330 2 Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood District (HAND) 1S1E11AB 4300 R211150 V-N R3 1 7651165.39514517 677243.29118000 BPS GIS
    2003 2267526 2002-153834-000-00-RS 6435 N PRINCETON ST New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR -complex- w/​ATTACHED ADU (800 MAX s.f.).AND ATTACHED GARAGE LOT 1 PARTITION PLAT 2001-22 https://​​detail/​permit/​2267526_​did/​ 12/​03/​2002 00:00 07/​17/​2003 19:22 01/​11/​2005 16:07 Final 324001 2 University Park Neighborhood Association 1N1E07CA 15401 R503982 V-N R3 2 7629943.48024000 706255.17508525 BPS GIS
    2003 2267780 2002-154083-000-00-RS 5621 N VANCOUVER AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit 8/​29/​11 - J Eldredge 3.7276 - One time only 6 month extension granted. Only one inspection allowed: any corrections needing reinspection for this permit = reinspection fees... customer made aware of this on this date.///​BUILD NEW 800 SQ FT ADU ATTACHED TO EXISTING SFR. https://​​detail/​permit/​2267780_​did/​ 12/​04/​2002 00:00 02/​06/​2003 10:32 02/​17/​2012 14:28 Final 73920 2 Humboldt Neighborhood Association 1N1E15DC 15400 R243199 V-N R3 1 7646575.41351150 699044.20394292 BPS GIS
    2003 2268963 2002-155222-000-00-RS 9441 SW 47TH AVE - Unit A New Construction Single Family Dwelling BUILD A NSFR- W/​ADU IN BASEMENT/​ADD MT RE-INSPECTION FEE 08/​03/​05--ADD ON REINSPECTION FEE 08/​15/​05 https://​​detail/​permit/​2268963_​did/​ 12/​11/​2002 00:00 08/​02/​2004 14:33 06/​02/​2006 15:43 Final 245669 2 Ashcreek Neighborhood Association 1S1E30AD 5000 R301794 V-N R3 2 7631044.06859000 660511.53921051 BPS GIS
    2003 2269982 2002-156195-000-00-RS 2135 NE 16TH AVE Alteration Single Family Dwelling NEW ADU IN BASEMENT OF SFR - SEPARATE LICENSED INSTALLERS REQUIRED FOR MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING WORK- SEE COMMENTS https://​​detail/​permit/​2269982_​did/​ 12/​18/​2002 00:00 03/​24/​2003 12:08 06/​03/​2003 14:52 Final 31500 2 Irvington Community Association 1N1E26DB 16300 R188539 V-N R3 1 7651290.39489517 689582.24156767 BPS GIS
    2003 2275898 2003-104198-000-00-RS 2117 NE RIDGEWOOD DR New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit NEW DETACHED GARAGE W/​ADU ABOVE - SEE PARENT LUR - ADD ONE MORE GAS OUTLET TO RELOCATE METER (FUTURE) 04/​28/​05 https://​​detail/​permit/​2275898_​did/​ 01/​30/​2003 00:00 08/​14/​2003 12:41 10/​02/​2006 09:06 Final 90793 3 Alameda Neighborhood Association 1N1E23DD 1400 R101587 V-N R3 1 7653002.38786225 694404.22240926 BPS GIS
    2003 2280213 2003-108307-000-00-MI 2304 SE 141ST AVE New Construction Single Family Dwelling PLACE MANUFACTURED HOME ON LOT WITH EXISTING SFR TO CREATE ACCESSORY RENTAL UNIT. see comments https://​​detail/​permit/​2280213_​did/​ 02/​26/​2003 00:00 04/​24/​2003 14:15 03/​23/​2005 13:43 Final 0 3 Hazelwood Neighborhood Association 1S2E02DD 3300 R236452 V-N R3 1 7684636.26127417 677020.29195408 BPS GIS
    2003 2280880 2003-108954-000-00-RS 4110 SW FREEMAN ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT 2ND STORY OF GARAGE TO ADU- GARAGE IS A COMMON TENANT AREA. SEE PARENT LUR CASE https://​​detail/​permit/​2280880_​did/​ 03/​04/​2003 00:00 04/​04/​2003 08:28 07/​14/​2003 00:00 Final 0 3 Multnomah Neighborhood Association 1S1E20CC 10000 R181050 V-N R3 1 7632640.46926858 662651.34923533 BPS GIS
    2003 2283700 2003-111624-000-00-RS 2554 NE 49TH AVE Alteration Single Family Dwelling NEW ADU - LEGALIZE BASEMENT CONVERSION - ADD GAS FURNACE INCLUDING DUCTWORK, VENTING OR LINER AND GAS PIPING 08/​01/​03 https://​​detail/​permit/​2283700_​did/​ 03/​20/​2003 00:00 05/​14/​2003 14:19 09/​26/​2003 15:20 Final 26000 3 Rose City Park Neighborhood Association 1N2E30BD 19000 R259282 V-N R3 1 7660843.35643225 690566.23763116 BPS GIS
    2003 2285123 2003-112980-000-00-RS 3606 NE 109TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU - DETACHED ON LOT W/​EXISTING SFR https://​​detail/​permit/​2285123_​did/​ 03/​28/​2003 00:00 05/​29/​2003 09:48 07/​07/​2004 07:28 Final 67914 3 Parkrose Neighborhood Association 1N2E22CD 4800 R235553 V-N R3 1 7676856.29258216 693004.22783391 BPS GIS
    2003 2286502 2003-114283-000-00-RS 7230 SE 13TH AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT PART OF BASEMENT INTO A NEW ADU https://​​detail/​permit/​2286502_​did/​ 04/​07/​2003 00:00 05/​14/​2003 08:58 08/​22/​2003 00:00 Final 62050 3 Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League (SMILE) 1S1E23BD 1100 R134708 V-N R3 1 7649899.40030184 665434.33809192 BPS GIS
    2003 2287518 2003-115249-000-00-RS 3223 SE ALDER ST New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR w/​garage and ADU LOT 4 BLOCK 6 SUNNYSIDE https://​​detail/​permit/​2287518_​did/​ 04/​11/​2003 00:00 03/​19/​2004 09:53 12/​27/​2004 16:08 Final 239147 3 Sunnyside Neighborhood Association 1S1E01BA 1001 R531177 V-N R3 1 7655713.89818725 682204.74713633 BPS GIS
    2003 2288192 2003-115894-000-00-RS 3705 SW GROVER ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit LEGALIZE ADU ABOVE EXISTING 2-STORY DETACHED GARAGE; STRUCTURAL UPGRADES - see comments https://​​detail/​permit/​2288192_​did/​ 04/​16/​2003 00:00 10/​29/​2003 11:25 04/​06/​2004 12:39 Final 76141 3 Bridlemile Neighborhood Association, Southwest Hills Residential League SWHRL 1S1E08BD 4500 R291208 V-N R3 1 7634057.46380991 676307.29469241 BPS GIS
    2003 2290404 2003-117996-000-00-RS 2164 NE MULTNOMAH ST Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU IN BASEMENT IN (E) SFR--see Document in parent IQ folder for ADU inspection results - SEE COMMENTS - SEPARATE TRADE PERMITS REQUIRED https://​​detail/​permit/​2290404_​did/​ 04/​29/​2003 00:00 06/​20/​2003 10:26 07/​22/​2004 15:27 Final 0 3 Sullivans Gulch Neighborhood Association, Sullivan's Gulch Neighborhood Association 1N1E35AA 12300 R316803 V-N R3 1 7654052.38379375 687019.25194300 BPS GIS
    2003 2291400 2003-118952-000-00-RS 905 NE HOLMAN ST - Unit A Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT BASEMENT TO ADU - SEE COMMENTS - 12/​18/​03 ADD 8 FIXTURES/​ADD MECH 02/​10/​04 https://​​detail/​permit/​2291400_​did/​ 05/​06/​2003 00:00 11/​26/​2003 08:28 03/​12/​2004 16:04 Final 27965 3 Woodlawn Neighborhood Association 1N1E14CA 9700 R311754 V-N R3 1 7650017.39973774 700743.19693600 BPS GIS
    2003 2292177 2003-119694-000-00-RS 2617 NE 33RD AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit CONVERT STUDIO SPACE ABOVE GARAGE TO ADU, SEE PARENT AND OTHER IQ FOLDER ON PROPERTY FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS, SEE COMMENTS THIS FOLDER https://​​detail/​permit/​2292177_​did/​ 05/​09/​2003 00:00 07/​17/​2003 18:56 08/​29/​2003 14:05 Final 15500 3 Grant Park Neighborhood Association 1N1E25BD 17600 R132053 V-N R3 1 7656150.37533267 690697.23704108 BPS GIS
    2003 2292572 2003-120073-000-00-RS 5717 SW 53RD AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit DETACHED GARAGE WITH ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT ABOVE (ADU) - SEE 03-120069 FOR NSFR ON SAME PROPERTY https://​​detail/​permit/​2292572_​did/​ 05/​13/​2003 00:00 08/​20/​2003 09:39 03/​06/​2019 14:17 Final 80086 3 Hayhurst Neighborhood Association 1S1E18DB 3100 R303461 V-N R3 1 7629699.48105608 670055.31966358 BPS GIS
    2003 2293994 2003-121448-000-00-RS 5711 SW 53RD AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU-DETACHED UNIT WITH GARAGE - SEE (#03-121439RS) FOR NSFR https://​​detail/​permit/​2293994_​did/​ 05/​20/​2003 00:00 09/​12/​2003 09:28 05/​17/​2004 06:15 Final 80732 3 Hayhurst Neighborhood Association 1S1E18DB 3000 R303457 V-N R3 1 7629699.48105608 670105.31956358 BPS GIS
    2003 2297170 2003-124525-000-00-RS 11639 SW RIVERWOOD RD Addition Single Family Dwelling ADDITION OF ATTACHED (BY COVERED BREEZEWAY) TWO STORY GARAGE/​HABITABLE SPACE (NOT AN ADU); SECOND FLOOR ADDITION AND FIRST FLOOR ALTERATIONS TO EX SFR****ADD LIMITED ENERGY 10/​13/​03 FOR QUADRANT SYSTEMS 10/​13/​03 - 10/​24/​03 ADD TEMPORARY SERVICE FOR CONSTRUCTION https://​​detail/​permit/​2297170_​did/​ 06/​06/​2003 00:00 07/​22/​2003 11:56 02/​04/​2005 12:25 Final 185447 3 MULT CO RIVERDALE AREA 1S1E35AC 1400 R257983 V-N R3 1 7650203.39903766 654195.38320767 BPS GIS
    2003 2300105 2003-142646-000-00-RS 2347 SE 59TH AVE New Construction Accessory Dwelling Unit TWO STORY ADU AND GARAGE - trade permits still to be calculated/​ADD FIX/​WATER SVC 08/​28/​03 https://​​detail/​permit/​2300105_​did/​ 06/​20/​2003 00:00 08/​06/​2003 15:18 02/​01/​2005 14:49 Final 0 3 Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association 1S2E06DD 6900 R185481 V-N R3 1 7662941.34829925 677590.28950176 BPS GIS
    2004 2303650 2003-146028-000-00-RS 5107 SE MALDEN DR New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR W/​ADU - EXISTING SFR TO BE DEMO'D BLK 20 LOT 24 https://​​detail/​permit/​2303650_​did/​ 07/​09/​2003 00:00 09/​24/​2003 16:14 03/​22/​2004 11:29 Final 152194 3 Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association 1S2E19CA 7800 R158056 V-N R3 1 7660630.35751441 663025.34783116 BPS GIS
    2004 2304062 2003-146423-000-00-RS 7330 SW 53RD AVE Alteration Accessory Dwelling Unit ADDITION - ADDING DORMER TO CREATE ADU IN ATTIC - SEE PARENT IQ CASE FOR INSPECTION NOTES/​ADD 70 FT WATER SERVICE 08-26-03 https://​​detail/​permit/​2304062_​did/​ 07/​10/​2003 00:00 08/​28/​2003 19:15 06/​22/​2004 15:53 Final 0 3 Maplewood Neighborhood Association 1S1E19AC 4300 R199190 V-N R3 1 7629719.48101608 665947.33608167 BPS GIS
    2004 2304148 2003-146508-000-00-RS 3424 SW 14TH AVE New Construction Single Family Dwelling NSFR- ADU ABOVE ATTACHED GARAGE - DEMO EXISTING SFR BLK 56 LOT 6 https://​​detail/​permit/​2304148_​did/​ 07/​11/​2003 00:00 09/​29/​2003 14:42 01/​21/​2005 14:42 Final 357705 3 Homestead Neighborhood Association 1S1E09BD 6200 R247202 V-N R3 2 7639562.44164508 675317.29864091 BPS GIS
    2004 2304764 2003-147089-000-00-RS 2407 NE TILLAMOOK ST Addition Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU -COMPLEX- 8/​23/​06 LEE H. OWNER REQUESTS SIX MONTH EXTENSION. https://​​detail/​permit/​2304764_​did/​ 07/​15/​2003 00:00 04/​23/​2004 08:38 Expired 72719 3 Irvington Community Association 1N1E25CB 20000 R149441 V-N R3 1 7653582.75678025 689389.89812033 BPS GIS