Dark Map | VectorTile |
USGS National Hydrography Dataset (SWI layer) | NHD |
USFWS National Wetland Inventory (SWI layer) | NWI |
DSL Predominantly Hydric Soil (SWI layer) | SWISoil23 |
State Of Oregon- Hydric Soils and Hydric Inclusions | Bio_Wetlands |
USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset HUC 10s (5th Level) | Watershed_Boundary_Dataset_HUC |
USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset HUC 12s (6th Level) | Watershed_Boundary_Dataset_HUC |
USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset HUC 8s (4th Level) | Watershed_Boundary_Dataset_HUC_8s |
Flood Inundation Extents Johnson Creek - 9 feet Sycamore Gage (modeled 2-year recurrence interval flood elevation = DSL Bankfull Stage = DSL OHWL = DSL Top of Bank) | Flood_Inundation_Extents_Johnson_Creek |
ODFW Conservation Opportunity Areas | ODFW_Conservation_Opportunity_Areas |
1996aerialphoto (July 6 and 7) | 1996aerialphoto |
2005leafoffaerialphoto (Feb 22 and 23) | 2005LeafOffaerialphoto |
WIP Compensatory Mitigation Site | CWM_Mitigation_Sites |
WIP Wetland Document Library File | DSLFileNotes |
FEMA 100 Year Floodplain | FEMA |
FEMA 500 Year Floodplain | FEMA |
ODEQ Lower Willamette and Lower Columbia Cold Water Refugia | Lower_Willamette_and_Lower_Columbia_Cold_Water_Refugia |
WIP Consultant Photo Point | WIP_SWCA_Photo_Point |
WIP Consultant Sample Plot | WIP_SWCA_Sample_Plot |
WIP Consultant Private Taxlot Access | WIP_SWCA_Taxlot_Access |
BES Wetland Inventory Project (WIP) | WIP20240417 |
BES WIP Upland or Developed Areas | WIP20240417 |
Portland Aerial Photos Summer 2017 | Aerial_Photos_Summer_2017 |
Aerial 2019 PortlandMaps | Aerial_Photos_Summer_2019 |
Aerial_Photos_Winter_2012 (Mar 24, Apr 2 and 8) | Aerial_Photos_Winter_2012 |
COP Park Trails | BDS_Boundary |
COP Recreational Trails | BDS_Boundary |
Regional Waterbodies | BDS_Layers |
City of Portland Streams | BPS_Misc |
City of Portland Wetlands | BPS_Misc |
Willamette and Columbia Ordinary High Water | CGIS_Layers |
NAVD88 Elevation Contour Lines (2014 LiDAR)) | Elevation_Contour_Lines |
NAVD88 Elevation Contour Lines (2014 LiDAR)) | Elevation_Contour_Lines |
NAVD88 Elevation Contour Lines (2014 LiDAR)) | Elevation_Contour_Lines |
NAVD88 Elevation Contour Lines (2014 LiDAR)) | Elevation_Contour_Lines |
LiDAR 2014 | LiDAR_BareEarth_Reg_Hillshade |
LiDAR 2014 | LiDAR_BareEarth_Reg_Hillshade |
LiDAR 2014 | LiDAR_BareEarth_Reg_Hillshade |
All Taxlots | Taxlots |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
BES Collection System Layers | Utilities_Sewer |
COP BPS NRI Vegetation | COP_OpenData_Environment |
BES_Easements | BES_Easements |
BES Topographic Watersheds | BES_Layers |
BES_REVEG_Projects | BES_REVEG_Projects |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
BES_Utilities_Sewer | BES_Utilities_Sewer |
WIP Photo Points | BES_WIP |
WIP Sample Plot | BES_WIP |
WIP Field Map Note | BES_WIP |
WIP Study Area | BES_WIP |