ADA Curbs Corners & Inlets (App Base Map) | Production |
ADA Curbs Corners & Inlets (Dashboard Base Map) | Production |
ADA Curbs, Corners & Inlets (Field Maps) | Production |
Address Edit App | Production |
Address Edit App - Address Edit App (prod) | Production |
Address Edit App - Address Edit App (v1.3) (prod) | Production |
Arborist Map | Production |
Argay N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF | Production |
Argay N2R Utility Reviews-Copy | Production |
BASEDitching 2023 | Production |
BDS - Short Term Rental Map App Web Map | Production |
BDS - Site Developement (MapWorks 3.0)-Copy | Production |
BDS - Vector Test | Production |
BES Basemap - MapWorks Web | Production |
BES CRR - MapWorks | Production |
BES Invasive Species - Collector-2018-KS-Copy | Production |
BES Invasive Species - Collector-2019 | Production |
BES Invasive Species - Collector-2019-Copy | Production |
BES Invasive Species and Garlic Mustard Collector Map | Production |
BES Invasive Species and Garlic Mustard Collector Map-2023 | Production |
BES Online Basemap | Production |
BES REVEG Management Units Mapper | Production |
BES REVEG Program Map | Production |
BES REVEG Program Map-240220 | Production |
BES REVEG Program Map-Copy DC | Production |
BES REVEG Program Map_4 | Production |
BES REVEG Program Map_JM | Production |
BES Wetland Inventory Project Map Viewer | Production |
BES Wetland Inventory Project Working Map | Production |
BLI Constraints Comparison | Production |
Boise N2R Utility Review -Copy RF | Production |
Boise N2R Utility Reviews | Production |
Boise N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF | Production |
Boise N2R Utility Reviews-Preserve | Production |
Boones Veg Monitoring | Production |
Boones Veg Monitoring-Copy | Production |
Brunkow Map March 2021 | Production |
Buckman N2R Utility Reviews | Production |
Buckman N2R Utility Reviews- Preserve | Production |
Columbia Corridor Stormwater Web Map | Production |
Columbia Corridor Stormwater Web Map New Map Viewer | Production |
Concordia N2R Utility Reviews | Production |
Crestline Field Map | Production |
Crystal Springs Lake | Production |
CSA Sample Editor (OLD - Do Not Use!) | Production |
CSA Sample Sites (Web Map) | Production |
CSA Sample Sites Web Map-Copy | Production |
Cully N2R Utility Reviews | Production |
Cully N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF | Production |
CvB copy Reveg program map | Production |
DC -BES REVEG Brookside Habitat Map | Production |
DC -BES REVEG Program Map-Luther | Production |
DC -BES REVEG Program Map-West Lents-Copy | Production |
DC_TreePointDataCollection | Production |
Design District Boundary Viewer | Production |
Development Planning Sandbox | Production |
Development Review Master | Production |
DRAFT Wetland Land Use Notification Map prepared by BES WIP | Production |
Drainageway Verification (Map) | Production |
DSL Digitizing Wetlands Inventory Project Work at Home (pre-Portal workflow) | Production |
East Lents Mitigation Monitoring | Production |
Equity Geographies | Production |
ESD | Production |
ESD Collection Systems Network | Production |
ESD Collection Systems Network-Copy | Production |
ESTP FOT FY21 Waitlist Utility Reviews | Production |
ESTP FOT FY21 Waitlist Utility Reviews -Copy RF | Production |
ESTP FOT FY21 Waitlist Utility Reviews -For Inspections | Production |
ESTP FOT FY21 Waitlist Utility Reviews -For Inspections-Preserve | Production |
ESTP FOT FY21 Waitlist Utility Reviews -Preserve | Production |
ESTP SE POWELL BLVD TREES- for Tree Assignment -Copy RF | Production |
ESTP_ROW_TREES (Map) for LW | Production |
Functional Assessment Points_2022 Season_JL | Production |
Functional Assessment Points_230823 | Production |
Gravel Streets 2023-2024 (Web Editor App Base Map) | Production |
Gravel Streets Field Edit (Field Maps/Collector) | Production |
Habitat Units Mapper | Production |
Habitat Units Mapper-Copy | Production |
Historic Resources LGBTQ Editor | Production |
Historic Resources LGBTQ Editor-backup | Production |
Hwy 43 Culvert Replacement | Production |
Infiltration Poster | Production |
ISW Web Map | Production |
ISW Web Map- Classic | Production |
ISW Web Map-Copy-AJN | Production |
Johnson Creek Flood Inundation Monitoring & Camper Risk Mitigation Map_MAIN | Production |
Johnson Creek Flood Investigation Coordination Map_MAIN | Production |
LGBTQ Editor V2-backup | Production |
LGBTQ Historic Resource Editor | Production |
LGBTQ Historic Sites Draft Documentation | Production |
Mapworks BPS Planning | Production |
Mapworks BPS Zoning Code | Production |
MasterMapDC230202 | Production |
Mitchell Creek Natural Area 162nd Ave Culvert Replacement | Production |
N2R Utility Reviews | Production |
NCS Web Map | Production |
NCS/IA Web Map for Mapworks | Production |
PBOT - ESD - Coordinator | Production |
PBOT - ESD - Coordinator | Production |
PBOT - ESD - Locates | Production |
PBOT - ESD - Locates-Copy | Production |
PBOT - ESD - Locates-Copy 20230719 - Hold until C Lopez Approves Changes | Production |
PBOT - State Roads Map | Production |
Portland Harbor Allocation-Copy | Production |
Portland Water Bureau - Dev Services Meter Info | Production |
Portland Water Bureau - WebMap-Development | Production |
PP&D - Addressing (MapWorks 3.0) | Production |
PP&D - Sanitation (MapWorks 3.0) | Production |
PP&D - Site Development (MapWorks 3.0) | Production |
Proximity to 20-minute Transit Service | Production |
PWB: Coordinators Map | Production |
PWB: Customer Service | Production |
PWB: Engineering with GeoTech | Production |
PWB: Expanded Map | Production |
pwb: Field Users Map | Production |
pwb: Field Valve Inspection | Production |
pwb: Field Water Inspectors | Production |
PWB: Hydrant Program | Production |
pwb: MasterWorks | Production |
PWB: Records | Production |
PWB: Records-Copy - Test | Production |
PWB: UDF Boundary | Production |
PWB: Water Quality Backflow | Production |
PWB: WQ Inspectors | Production |
Reference Data - GCX ROW Editing V2 | Production |
Reveg FA plot finder-TQ | Production |
Reveg Seed Collection Sites | Production |
Reveg Vulnerability index | Production |
Reveg Vulnerability index-Copy | Production |
RIP2 QC working map | Production |
Safety Soil Contamination | Production |
Short-Term Rental Map App - BDS - Short Term Rental Map App Web Map (prod) | Production |
Springwater Map_241101 | Production |
Springwater Map_241101_2 | Production |
SpringwaterMaster230202 | Production |
Structures Asset Map (Base Map) | Production |
Structures Asset Map (Base Map) - backup 20241121 | Production |
taxlots | Production |
Test Arcade Expressions - Popups | Production |
TQ-BES REVEG Program Map | Production |
Tree Cut Permit (Field Maps) | Production |
TSP Growing Portland | Production |
West Lent Project Design Map DC 241017 | Production |
West Terrain Area (Solid Waste and Recycling) | Production |
WIP - Field Survey - 2019-MAVCopy (pre-Portal workflow) | Production |
WIP - FIELD SURVEY - PORTAL 2020 | Production |
WIP - FIELD SURVEY - PORTAL- 2020 Final-Copy | Production |
WIP 2021 DRAFT - Communication-DH_Copy | Production |
WIP 2021 DRAFT - Field Survey | Production |
WIP 2022 Draft - Monitoring | Production |
WIP 2023 Cedar Crossing Monitoring | Production |
WIP Mitigation Monitoring: Cedar Crossing Restoration Project | Production |
WIP ORWAP Map | Production |
WIP ORWAP Map (version 2.0) | Production |