Alternate Water Sources | |
Category | Public Safety - Fire |
Feature Dataset Name | Stand-Alone |
Database Type | |
Originator | City of Portland |
Bureau | Portland Fire & Rescue |
Publication Date | |
Abstract | Alternate water sources that can be drafted from for Portland Fire & Rescue apparatus. Consists of river access via boat ramps, hydrants connected via water mains to tanks, ponds/lakes, and public swimming pools. In a post-earthquake event, none of these sites can be guaranteed as reliable alternate water sources. Data is projected in NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601_Feet_Intl. |
Purpose | To be used as reference in case of a large scale disaster that compromises the City's water system, preventing most hydrants from being a point of distribution. In a post-earthquake event, none of these sites can be guaranteed as reliable alternate water sources. |
Supplemental Information | |
Last Dataset Update | |
Last Source Update | |
Maintenance/Update Frequency | Infrequent |
Extent | Multnomah County |
Data Type | |
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Horizontal Position Accuracy | |
Horizontal Position Accuracy Link | |
Progress | |
North Bounding Coordinate | 45.631282 |
South Bounding Coordinate | 45.434809 |
East Bounding Coordinate | -122.494563 |
West Bounding Coordinate | -122.815850 |
Theme Keyword(s) | Fire, Water, Disaster, Boat Ramps, Ponds, Lakes, Hydrants, Tanks, Swimming Pools, Disaster, Earthquake |
Theme Keyword Thesaurus | |
Place Keyword(s) | |
Place Keyword Thesaurus | |
Access Constraints | CGIS Do not distribute without Bureau Approval |
Use Constraints | After permission is granted by responsible bureau, these data are distributed under the terms of the City of Portland Data Distribution Policy. Care was taken in the creation of this data but it is provided "as is". The City of Portland cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. |
Source Dataset Type | Shapefile |
Output Geodatabase | EGH_Public |
Distribution | Grid: State plane coordinate system 1983(91). Units: International feet Datum: North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN) Liability: The City of Portland has placed restrictions on the distribution of this data due to security concerns. Access requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The information in this file was derived from digital databases on the City of Portland GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. The City cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied. Format: Shapefile or File Geodatabase Feature Class - Data will be provided via City of Portland FTP Site. Online Resource: Online Instructions: City of Portland Public/Open Data is distributed via the PortlandMaps Open Data Site - Data not available on the PortlandMaps Open Data site can be requested by contacting the City of Portland CGIS Group - Transfer Size: varies SPCS Zone Identifier: 5076 |
Contact(s) | |
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Tank sites obtained from Water Bureau (4/2016). There is no direct way to pump from a tank. Hydrants connected to tanks through water mains were selected as possible reliable sources for tank water. There is no guarantee from the Water Bureau that the tank contains water.Pond and Lake sites obtained from Water Bureau – (4/2016). Some ponds and lake sites owned by Parks and Recreation Department were included if they seemed reasonably accessible to fire apparatus (w/i 20 to 40 feet vertical/horizontal reach). Boat ramp sites obtained from State of Oregon open data (6/2016). Downloaded from Boat Ramp sites were narrowed down to just those sites along the Willamette, Columbia and other water bodies that had concrete/driveable access up to the water’s edge.Public swimming pool sites owned by Parks and Recreation Department or Swimming Districts obtained from Google Maps search. KML was downloaded from Google My Maps and incorporated into the dataset (4/2016). Ponds on Golf courses owned by Parks and Recreation Department obtained from Google Maps search. KML was downloaded from Google My Maps and incorporated into the dataset (4/2016). |