Historic Resource Inventory | ||||||
Category | Development | |||||
Feature Dataset Name | STAND-ALONE | |||||
Database Type | SDE | |||||
Originator | City of Portland | |||||
Bureau | Bureau of Planning and Sustainability | |||||
Publication Date | 06/04/2013 | |||||
Abstract | The Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) of approximately5,000 properties was completed in 1984 by the City of Portland as a project of the Historic Landmarks Commission.It is a planning and research tool that was intended to support development ofthe City's Comprehensive Plan and comply with Statewide Planning Goals. Beinglisted in the HRI is not a historic "designation, although a demolitiondelay period may apply under City of Portland regulations. In 2013, the original HRI records were exportedfrom older files to MapWorks. Some data fields were abbreviated. There may beinconsistencies and errors in the data. For example, many sites have beenredeveloped since 1984, and demolitions were not recorded. Also, over 100 buildings have been removed from the HRI onrequest of property owners. The HRI records cannot be updatedto reflect all thechanges and removals that have occurredsince 1984. The data is therefore provided “as-is.” City of Portlandrecords can be checked to verify if properties have been redeveloped ordemolished. | |||||
Purpose | Map location of inventory list. | |||||
Supplemental Information | To see the original 1984 HRI records for properties (including photographs), search the State Historic Preservation Office’s Historic Sites Database by address:http://heritagedata.prd.state.or.us/historic/ | |||||
Last Dataset Update | 06/25/2024 17:31 | |||||
Last Source Update | 06/25/2024 08:48 | |||||
Maintenance/Update Frequency | None planned | |||||
Extent | Urban Clackamas County, Multnomah County, and Washington County, Oregon | |||||
Data Type | Vector | |||||
Shape Type | Point | |||||
Feature Count | 4384 | |||||
Horizontal Position Accuracy | ||||||
Horizontal Position Accuracy Link | Taxlots | |||||
Progress | Complete | |||||
North Bounding Coordinate | 727305.875766596 | |||||
South Bounding Coordinate | 653765.46166223 | |||||
East Bounding Coordinate | 7689810.1537962 | |||||
West Bounding Coordinate | 7607673.91083864 | |||||
Theme Keyword(s) | Historic, Landmarks | |||||
Theme Keyword Thesaurus | None | |||||
Place Keyword(s) | Portland, Multnomah County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Oregon | |||||
Place Keyword Thesaurus | None | |||||
Access Constraints | Available for Public Use | |||||
Use Constraints | These data are distributed under the terms of the City of Portland Data Distribution Policy. Care was taken in the creation of this data but it is provided "as is". The City of Portland cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. | |||||
Source Dataset Type | File Geodatabase | |||||
Output Geodatabase | EGH_Public | |||||
Distribution | Grid: State plane coordinate system 1983(91). Units: International feet Datum: North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN) Liability: The information in this file was derived from digital databases on the City of Portland GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. The City cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied. Format: Shapefile or File Geodatabase Feature Class - Data will be provided via City of Portland FTP Site. Online Resource: http://portlandmaps.com/opendata Online Instructions: City of Portland Public/Open Data is distributed via the PortlandMaps Open Data Site - http://portlandmaps.com/opendata. Data not available on the PortlandMaps Open Data site can be requested by contacting the City of Portland CGIS Group - maps@portlandoregon.gov Transfer Size: varies SPCS Zone Identifier: 5076 | |||||
Contact(s) | ||||||
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File(s) | ||||||
Images |
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Lineage | ||||||
06/04/2013 | Points were geocoded using Metro's RLIS Address Locator. Taxlots (AddressPts) were the preferred geocoding destination. Streets were used where taxlots could not be matched. |
Service | Description | Feature Access | Layer |
BES_Layers | Referecne layers as used by various BES web content | Dynamic | Historic Resource Inventory (1984) |
BPS_Zoning_Code_Layers | City of Portland Zoning Code Layers | Dynamic | Historic Resource Inventory (1984) |
Zoning | Zoning designations (and related layers) for the City of Portland and unincorporated portions of Multnomah County that are administered by the city. | Dynamic | Historic Resource Inventory (1984) |
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Table Description | Historic Resource Inventory Dataset | |||||
Table Jurisdiction | ||||||
Column Sort | Column Name | Column Alias | Column Type | Column Size | Domain Value(s) | Column Description | 1 | STYLE | Style | String | 100 | | | 1 | CN | CN | String | 50 | | | 1 | RANK | Rank | String | 50 | | | 1 | OBJECTID | OBJECTID | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | STATUS | Status | String | 25 | | | 1 | RESOURCE_ID | ID | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | FNO_NUMBER | FNO Number | String | 20 | | | 1 | ADDRESS | Address | String | 50 | | | 1 | ORIG_NAME | Original Name | String | 60 | | | 1 | OTHER_NAME | Other Name | String | 60 | | | 1 | DESIGNATION_TYPE | Designation Type | String | 60 | | | 1 | REMOVAL_DATE | Date Removed | Date | 36 | | | 1 | REMOVE_CIRCA_DATE | Date Removed (circa, etc) | String | 25 | | | 1 | SHPO_FORM_ID | SHPO Form Number | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | FORM_SCAN_ID | Inventory Scan Number | String | 50 | | | 1 | IMAGE_SCAN_1 | Inventory Photo 1 | String | 50 | | | 1 | IMAGE_SCAN_2 | Inventory Photo 2 | String | 50 | | | 1 | IMAGE_SCAN_3 | Inventory Photo 3 | String | 50 | | | 1 | RESOURCE_TYPE | Resource Type | String | 50 | | | 1 | LANDMARK_ID | Landmark ID # | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | DEMOLISHED | Is Demolished? | String | 25 | | | 1 | LOCATE_CORRECT | Correct Location? | String | 25 | | | 1 | YEAR_BUILT | Year Built (circa okay) | String | 25 | | | 1 | FUNCTION_ | Original Function | String | 80 | | | 1 | FUNCT_OTHER | Other Functions | String | 140 | | | 1 | ARCHITECT | Architect | String | 90 | | | 1 | CONTRACTOR | Builder/Contractor | String | 100 | | | 1 | OWNER_ORIG | Original Owner | String | 100 | | | 1 | SIGNIF_AREA | Areas of Significance | String | 100 | | | 1 | SIGNIF_STATEMENT | Statement of Significance | String | 140 | | | 1 | SIGNIF_FEAT_MAT | Significant Features/Materials | String | 140 | | | 1 | ADDL_DESCRIPTION | Additonal Description | String | 140 | | | 1 | DISTRICT_HIST_CONSV | Historic/Conservation District | String | 80 | | | 1 | ALTERATIONS | Alterations | String | 140 | | | 1 | NEIGHBORHOOD | Neighborhood | String | 80 | | | 1 | LEGAL_DESCRIPTION | LEGAL_DESCRIPTION | String | 140 | | | 1 | OWNER_PRESENT | Present Owner (form) | String | 140 | | | 1 | OTHER_OWNER | Other Owner | String | 100 | | | 1 | OTHER_ADDRESS | Other Address | String | 60 | | | 1 | MAP_QS | Map QS Number (form) | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | ZONE_ | Zone (form) | String | 30 | | | 1 | TAX_ACCOUNT | Tax Account No (form) | String | 50 | | | 1 | NOTES | NOTES | String | 255 | | | 1 | xcoord | xcoord | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | ycoord | ycoord | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | Survey | Survey Name | String | 70 | | | 1 | TYPE | Resource Type | String | 60 | | | 1 | SHPO_FORM | SHPO Form Link | String | 140 | | | 1 | is_contributing | is_contributing | String | 12 | | | 1 | designation_new | designation_new | String | 36 | | | 1 | Portlandmaps | Portlandmaps | Integer | 2 | | |