garbage_collection_schedules_pdx |
Table Description | |
Table Jurisdiction | |
Column Sort | Column Name | Column Alias | Column Type | Column Size | Domain Value(s) | Column Description |
1 | Hauler | Hauler Name | String | 255 | | Hauler name | 1 | Coll_Day | Collection Day (Old) | String | 12 | | The day of the week garbage, recycling, and compost is collected (through 10/30/2011) | 1 | Coll_Cal | Collection Calendar (Old) | String | 12 | Orange | The area uses the "orange" (a.k.a., "even") yard debris collection calendar | X | Purple | The area uses the "purple" (a.k.a., "odd") yard debris collection calendar | X | Pilot | The area is within the "Food Scrap Collection" pilot area; collection calendars are unique to the individual haulers. | X | | The compost collection calendar for the collection schedule area (through 10/30/2011) | 1 | G_Sched | Garbage Schedule (Old) | String | 15 | EOW | Every-Other-Week garbage collection (currently food scrap pilot areas only) | X | W | Weekly garbage collection | X | | The garbage collection frequency in each schedule area (through 10/30/2011) | 1 | G_ICD | Garbage ICD (Old) | Date | 36 | | The "initial collection date" of garbage in each schedule area through 10/30/2011 (used by the online collection calendar) | 1 | R_Sched | Recycling Schedule (Old) | String | 15 | EOW | Every-Other-Week recycling collection (food scrap pilot areas only) | X | W | Weekly recycling collection | X | | The recycling collection frequency in each schedule area (through 10/30/2011) | 1 | R_ICD | Recycling ICD (Old) | Date | 36 | | The "initial collection date" of recycling in each schedule area through 10/30/2011 (used by the online collection calendar) | 1 | Comp_Sched | Composting Schedule (Old) | String | 15 | EOW | Every-Other-Week compost collection | X | W | Weekly compost collection (currently food scrap pilot areas only) | X | | The compost (yard debris, and yard debris/food scraps in the food scrap pilot area) collection frequency in each schedule area (through 10/30/2011) | 1 | Comp_ICD | Composting ICD (Old) | Date | 36 | | The "initial collection date" of compost in each schedule area through 10/30/2011 (used by the online collection calendar) | 1 | Edit_Date | Edit Date | Date | 36 | | The date of the last modification to the collection schedule area | 1 | Edit_Name | Editor Name | String | 255 | | The name of the individual who made the last changes to the collection schedule area | 1 | Review | Flag for Review? | String | 255 | | "True" indicates the area needs to be further reviewed by City of Portland staff or the garbage hauler | 1 | Phone_Num | Hauler Phone Number | String | 255 | | The hauler phone number | 1 | MC_Sched | MC_Sched | String | 10 | FCD | Monthly garbage collected on the first weekly garbage collection day of the month | X | LCD | Monthly garbage collected on the last weekly garbage collection day of the month | X | | The "monthly" garbage collection frequency through 10/30/2011 | 1 | OBJECTID | | Integer | 4 | | Unique numeric ID for each collection area | 1 | Coll_Day_N | Collection Day (New) | String | 255 | | The day of the week garbage, recycling, and composting is collected (effective 10/31/2011) | 1 | Coll_Cal_N | Collection Calendar (New) | String | 255 | Orange | The area is on an "orange" (a.k.a., "even") garbage collection schedule | X | Purple | The area is on an "purple" (a.k.a., "odd") garbage collection schedule | X | | The garbage collection "calendar" for the collection schedule area (effective 10/31/2011) | 1 | G_Sched_N | Garbage Schedule (New) | String | 255 | EOW | Evey-other-week garbage collection | X | | The garbage collection frequency in each schedule area (effective 10/31/2011) | 1 | G_ICD_N | G_ICD_N | Date | 36 | | The "initial collection date" of garbage in each schedule area effective 10/31/2011 (used by the online collection calendar) | 1 | R_Sched_N | Recycling Schedule (New) | String | 255 | | The recycling collection frequency in each schedule area (effective 10/31/2011) | 1 | R_ICD_N | R_ICD_N | Date | 36 | | The "initial collection date" of recycling in each schedule area effective 10/31/2011 (used by the online collection calendar) | 1 | C_Sched_N | Compositing Schedule (New) | String | 255 | | The composting collection frequency in each schedule area (effective 10/31/2011) | 1 | C_ICD_N | C_ICD_N | Date | 36 | | The "initial collection date" of composting in each schedule area effective 10/31/2011 (used by the online collection calendar) | 1 | MC_Sched_N | Monthly Collection Schedule (New) | String | 255 | EFW | Every-four-week garbage collection | X | | The "monthly" garbage collection frequency effective 10/31/2011 | 1 | Website | Website | String | 50 | | The hauler website (where applicable) | 1 | Terrain | Terrain Surcharge | String | 5 | | "T" indicates the area is within the "Westside Terrain Surcharge Area" | 1 | Notes | Notes | String | 150 | | Any notes related to the collection schedule area | 1 | TrackIT_URL | Link to Error Report | String | 150 | | |