stream_lines_pdx |
Table Description | |
Table Jurisdiction | |
Column Sort | Column Name | Column Alias | Column Type | Column Size | Domain Value(s) | Column Description |
1 | OBJECTID | OBJECTID | Integer | 4 | | A unique software ID for each line. May change when data is modified. | 1 | LLID | LLID | Numeric | 8 | | Unique stream identifier based upon the concatenation of the longitude and latitude in decimal degrees to 4 digits of precision of the coordinate of the mouth of the hydrographic unit (i.e. river, stream, branch or braid). | 1 | HYDRO_ID | HYDRO_ID | Integer | 4 | | A unique identifier for all segments making up a single stream or tributary. All segments of a stream, including pipes and culverts, have the same HYDRO_ID from headwaters to the confluence with a larger stream or river. | 1 | SEG_NUM | SEG_NUM | Integer | 4 | | A unique identifier for each segment of a stream (each individual line in the dataset). | 1 | NAME | NAME | String | 60 | | Official stream name (based upon USGS, StreamNet and local information) | 1 | LOC_NAME | LOC_NAME | String | 60 | | Unofficial, "local" name of the stream (if known) | 1 | LINE_TYPE | LINE_TYPE | String | 30 | Combined Stormwater/Sewer Pipe | A combined stormwater/sewer pipe. Flows to a treatment facility. Mapped per Bureau of Environmental Services collection line system data. | X | Ditch | Open, man-made drainage ditch. | X | Open Channel | Open surface stream channel. | X | Routing Connection | Hidden segment; no physical stream channel present. Includes large rivers such as the Willamette and Columbia. Used to ensure that all lines in the dataset are geographically connected to all other lines for generating stream GIS “routes” used for hydrologic modeling purposes. | X | Stormwater Culvert | A mapped stormwater culvert (primarily per Bureau of Environmental Services collection line system data). | X | Stormwater Pipe | A mapped stormwater pipe (primarily per Bureau of Environmental Services collection line system data). | X | Water Body | Open water waterbody or wetland. | X | | The stream centerline type | 1 | PERIOD | PERIOD | String | 20 | Ephemeral | Streams that flow only for hours or days following rainfall. | X | Intermittent | Streams which normally cease flowing for weeks or months each year. | X | Perennial | A stream channel that has continuous flow in parts of its bed all year round during years of normal rainfall. | X | Unknown | Stream periodicity is unknown. | X | | Stream periodicity | 1 | SOURCE | SOURCE | String | 60 | Aerial Photos | Streams were manually digitized where stream channels were visible on 6"-resolution aerial photos (or where breaks in vegetation indicated the presence of a channel) | X | BES Collection Lines | Stream lines derived directly from the Portland's Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) collection line GIS data (pipes, culverts, ditches, and surface channels) | X | BES Slough Centerlines | Stream line derived directly from mapped Columbia Slough watershed stream centerline mapped by Portland's Bureau of Environmental services (BES) | X | CWS Collection Lines | Stream was derived directly from the Clean Water Services collection line GIS data (pipes, “ditches,” culverts, and surface channels) | X | Field Survey | Stream channels were digitized using the GPS data collected in a field visit to the stream. | X | Land Use Review | The stream geometry was derived from documentation submitted as part of a land use review (LUR) development application. | X | LIDAR DEM | Stream centerline based on visual interpretation of the 2004 through 2007 regional LiDAR data. The LiDAR points were used to generate a 3' digital elevation model and hillshade. | X | LIDAR-Derived | Stream line automatically derived from 2004, 2005, and 2007 LiDAR elevation models. This work was performed by a consultant (Watershed Sciences) and reviewed for accuracy. | X | Photogrammetrics | Stream channels were manually digitized where visual analysis of the City’s 1987 to 1994 photogrammetric data products (i.e., 2' contours) indicated the presence of a channel | X | | The reference source of the stream centerline. | 1 | SOURCE_REF | SOURCE_REF | String | 30 | | Detailed information about the reference source, i.e., year of LiDAR acquisition, LUR case number, etc. | 1 | NHD_FCODE | NHD_FCODE | Integer | 4 | 33600 | Canal or Ditch | X | 42807 | Pipe (Underground) | X | 46000 | Stream or River (Periodicity Unknown) | X | 46003 | Stream or River (Intermittent) | X | 46006 | Stream or River (Perennial) | X | 46007 | Stream or River (Ephemeral) | X | 55800 | Routing Connection (Artificial Path) | X | | National Hydrology Dataset (NHD) feature code | 1 | WS_ID | WS_ID | Integer | 4 | | Unique ID for watershed containing the stream | 1 | HUC12 | HUC12 | Numeric | 8 | | 12-digit USGS hydrologic unit boundary (HUC) of the stream | 1 | HUC12_Name | HUC12_Name | String | 80 | | Name of the USGS hydrologic unit boundary (HUC) | 1 | MODIFIER | MODIFIER | String | 15 | BPS | City of Portland Bureau of Planning & Sustainability | X | BES | City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services | X | COG | City of Gresham | X | CWS | Clean Water Services | X | Metro | Metro | X | PPR | City of Portland Parks and Recreation | X | WS | Watershed Sciences (LiDAR consultant) | X | WL | City of West Linn | X | | Last organization to edit the stream centerline | 1 | MOD_NAME | MOD_NAME | String | 15 | | Initials of the last person to edit the stream line | 1 | MOD_DATE | MOD_DATE | Date | 8 | | Date of last modification | 1 | CREATED_BY | CREATED_BY | String | 15 | | Name of the organization that originally created the stream line. Same domain as the "MODIFIER" attribute. | 1 | CREATEDATE | CREATEDATE | Date | 8 | | Date the stream line was originally created. | 1 | FIELD_DATE | FIELD_DATE | Date | 8 | | Date of any field visit to the stream | 1 | REVIEW | REVIEW | String | 5 | | Indicates whether the stream line needs further review (i.e., the mapped location is approximate). | 1 | NOTES | NOTES | String | 150 | | Any notes related to the stream line | 1 | SUBAREA | SUBAREA | String | 30 | | Regional agency responsible for the mapping of the stream | 1 | STATUS | Status | String | 50 | | |