BLI Model Development Capacity | ||||||
Category | Development | |||||
Feature Dataset Name | STAND-ALONE | |||||
Item Name | bli_dev_capacity_taxlots_bps | |||||
Database Type | SDE | |||||
Originator | City of Portland | |||||
Bureau | Bureau of Planning and Sustainability | |||||
Publication Date | 11/02/2009 | |||||
Abstract | The first step of the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability's Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI) model is used to identify parcels that are likely to redevelop in the City of Portland -- parcels that are either vacant or significantly underutilizing their allowed development capacity. FAR and building height limits are the primary limiting factor on development in employment, commercial, and high-density residential areas. In multi-family and single-family residential areas, capacities are determined by the allowed number of residential units. This portion of the BLI modeling process consists of 3 basic steps: 1) calculate existing building square footages and allowed development limits (in terms of building square footage or number of residential units); 2) identify parcels using significantly less than their allowed development capacity (using less than 20% of available capacity, not including any development bonuses or incentives); 3) apply development constraints to these parcels and calculate remaining capacity in terms of building square footage, allowed number of residential units, and allowed number of jobs. The attached graphics illustrate the process in more detail. This featureclass is the result of that analysis. It is used to determine the total supply of residential and employment land, which is an input into subsequent steps of the BLI model, which allocates forecasted units and jobs to different areas of the City. | |||||
Purpose | To quantify the existing development capacity within Portland under current and proposed land use regulations; to identify likely redevelopment scenarios and prospective clusters of future development activity by identifying sites that are significantly underutilizing their allowed development capacity; to generate development capacity statistics for different areas of the City to highlight the differences in terms of existing and allowed development capacity; and to serve as a basis for predicting residential and employment allocation based on regional growth forecasts. | |||||
Supplemental Information | Complete documentation of the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability "Development Capacity GIS Model" is available upon request. The documentation explains in detail the inputs to the model, the methodology, and the GIS model results. | |||||
Last Dataset Update | 05/20/2022 07:31 | |||||
Last Source Update | 05/18/2022 10:23 | |||||
Maintenance/Update Frequency | As needed | |||||
Extent | City of Portland | |||||
Data Type | Vector | |||||
Shape Type | Polygon | |||||
Feature Count | 41709 | |||||
Horizontal Position Accuracy | Registered to tax lot base. | |||||
Horizontal Position Accuracy Link | Taxlots | |||||
Progress | Complete | |||||
North Bounding Coordinate | 5724555.3856 | |||||
South Bounding Coordinate | 5689511.843 | |||||
East Bounding Coordinate | -13633608.8765 | |||||
West Bounding Coordinate | -13674120.8667 | |||||
Theme Keyword(s) | development, capacity, utilization | |||||
Theme Keyword Thesaurus | None | |||||
Place Keyword(s) | Portland, Oregon | |||||
Place Keyword Thesaurus | None | |||||
Access Constraints | Available for Public Use | |||||
Use Constraints | These data are distributed under the terms of the City of Portland Data Distribution Policy. Care was taken in the creation of this data but it is provided "as is". The City of Portland cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. | |||||
Source Dataset Type | File Geodatabase | |||||
Output Geodatabase | EGH_PUBLIC_WGS | |||||
Distribution | Grid: State plane coordinate system 1983(91). Units: International feet Datum: North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN) Liability: The information in this file was derived from digital databases on the City of Portland GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. The City cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied. Format: Shapefile or File Geodatabase Feature Class - Data will be provided via City of Portland FTP Site. Online Resource: Online Instructions: City of Portland Public/Open Data is distributed via the PortlandMaps Open Data Site - Data not available on the PortlandMaps Open Data site can be requested by contacting the City of Portland CGIS Group - Transfer Size: varies SPCS Zone Identifier: 5076 | |||||
Contact(s) | ||||||
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File(s) | ||||||
Images |
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Lineage | ||||||
11/02/2009 | The Development Capacity Analysis (DCA) GIS model consists of 3 basic steps: 1. calculate existing building square footages and allowed development limits (in terms of building square footage, number of units, or number of allowed lots); 2. identify “constrained” properties (i.e., significant environmental or historic resources); 3. identify development parcels significantly underutilizing their allowed development capacity (using less than 20% of available capacity, not including any development bonuses or incentives). Each of these steps is discussed in detail in the "Development Capacity Analysis GIS Model" report available from the City of Portland Bureau of Planning & Sustainability. |
Service | Description | Feature Access | Layer |
BES_Layers | Referecne layers as used by various BES web content | Dynamic | BLI Development Capacity |
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Table Description | ||||||
Table Jurisdiction | ||||||
Column Sort | Column Name | Column Alias | Column Type | Column Size | Domain Value(s) | Column Description | 1 | STATE_ID | STATE_ID | String | 20 | | | 1 | RNO | RNO | String | 35 | | | 1 | OWNER1 | OWNER1 | String | 35 | | | 1 | SITEADDR | SITEADDR | String | 37 | | | 1 | PRPCD_DESC | PRPCD_DESC | String | 50 | | | 1 | IN_LRSBUFF | IN_LRSBUFF | String | 255 | | | 1 | SUBDIST | SUBDIST | String | 50 | | | 1 | GEN_USE | GEN_USE | String | 255 | | | 1 | GEN_ZONE | GEN_ZONE | String | 255 | | | 1 | IS_VACANT | IS_VACANT | String | 255 | | | 1 | MAP120 | MAP120 | String | 1 | | | 1 | VALID_IL | VALID_IL | String | 255 | | | 1 | IS_SFR_MFR | IS_SFR_MFR | String | 255 | | | 1 | SIG_UNDERUT | SIG_UNDERUT | String | 255 | | | 1 | Geog_Spec | Geog_Spec | String | 30 | | | 1 | conTranCap | conTranCap | String | 5 | | | 1 | conTranInt | conTranInt | String | 5 | | | 1 | conTranSub | conTranSub | String | 5 | | | 1 | conWater | conWater | String | 5 | | | 1 | conSewer | conSewer | String | 5 | | | 1 | conStorm | conStorm | String | 5 | | | 1 | conAirHgt | conAirHgt | String | 5 | | | 1 | conNoise | conNoise | String | 5 | | | 1 | conHeliprt | conHeliprt | String | 5 | | | 1 | conView | conView | String | 5 | | | 1 | conHist | conHist | String | 5 | | | 1 | conPrvCom | conPrvCom | String | 5 | | | 1 | conGW | conGW | String | 5 | | | 1 | conSlp25 | conSlp25 | String | 5 | | | 1 | conNatAm | conNatAm | String | 5 | | | 1 | conLSHA | conLSHA | String | 5 | | | 1 | conSLIDO | conSLIDO | String | 5 | | | 1 | conCovrly | conCovrly | String | 5 | | | 1 | conPovrly | conPovrly | String | 5 | | | 1 | conFld100 | conFld100 | String | 5 | | | 1 | conFldway | conFldway | String | 5 | | | 1 | conECSI | conECSI | String | 5 | | | 1 | conLUST | conLUST | String | 5 | | | 1 | conHistLdm | conHistLdm | String | 5 | | | 1 | conPubOwn | conPubOwn | String | 5 | | | 1 | conInstit | conInstit | String | 5 | | | 1 | conWetland | conWetland | String | 5 | | | 1 | NEW_LOT | NEW_LOT | String | 255 | | | 1 | MKTVALYR3 | MKTVALYR3 | String | 11 | | | 1 | INSTITUTE | INSTITUTE | String | 255 | | | 1 | REG_ZONE | REG_ZONE | String | 255 | | | 1 | IN_FTBUFF | IN_FTBUFF | String | 255 | | | 1 | TLID | TLID | String | 25 | | | 1 | BLI_ACTION | BLI_ACTION | String | 255 | | | 1 | Size_Class | Site Size Category | String | 30 | | | 1 | Land_Class | Underutilized Land Class | String | 15 | | | 1 | CMP | Comp Plan | String | 20 | | | 1 | FARB_UNUSED | FARB_UNUSED | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FARB_HEADHT | FARB_HEADHT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FAR_UTIL | FAR_UTIL | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_AFAR | MFRU_AFAR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_AFARB | MFRU_AFARB | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_ATOT | MFRU_ATOT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_ATOTB | MFRU_ATOTB | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | INST_FAR | INST_FAR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | INST_SQFT | INST_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EMP_FAR | EMP_FAR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EMP_SQFT | EMP_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_SFRL | NET_SFRL | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_MFRU | NET_MFRU | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_MFRUB | NET_MFRUB | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_ALLOW | NET_ALLOW | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_ALLOWB | NET_ALLOWB | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_EXIST | MFRU_EXIST | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_ALLOW | MFRU_ALLOW | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_RATIO | MFRU_RATIO | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_REM | MFRU_REM | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | OBJECTID | OBJECTID | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | SFRL_EXIST | SFRL_EXIST | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | SFRL_ALLOW | SFRL_ALLOW | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EBLD_SQFTR | EBLD_SQFTR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FAR_SQFTR | FAR_SQFTR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FARB_SQFTR | FARB_SQFTR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EXIST_UN | EXIST_UN | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | ALLOW_UN | ALLOW_UN | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | ALLOW_UNB | ALLOW_UNB | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EBLD_SQFTC | EBLD_SQFTC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FAR_SQFTC | FAR_SQFTC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FARB_SQFTC | FARB_SQFTC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | Rate_Res_Adj | Rate_Res_Adj | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | Rate_Emp_Adj | Rate_Emp_Adj | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | SFRL_CDED | SFRL_CDED | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_SFRLC | NET_SFRLC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | MFRU_CDED | MFRU_CDED | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_MFRUC | NET_MFRUC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_ALLOW_CDED | NET_ALLOW_CDED | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_ALLOWC | NET_ALLOWC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | ADJ_MARKET_FAR | ADJ_MARKET_FAR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EMP_SQFTC | EMP_SQFTC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EMP_FARC | EMP_FARC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EMP_SQFTMF | EMP_SQFTMF | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EMP_FARMF | EMP_FARMF | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_EMP_SQFT | NET_EMP_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_EMP_SQFTC | NET_EMP_SQFTC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_EMP_SQFTMF | NET_EMP_SQFTMF | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | BLDG_SQFT_JOB | BLDG_SQFT_JOB | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_JOBS | NET_JOBS | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | JOBS_CDED | JOBS_CDED | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_JOBSC | NET_JOBSC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | JOBS_MFDED | JOBS_MFDED | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | NET_JOBSMF | NET_JOBSMF | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | Rate_Res | Rate_Res | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | Rate_Emp | Rate_Emp | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | TOTDEVAREA | TOTDEVAREA | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | BLDFT_SQFT | BLDFT_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | BLD_MAXHGT | BLD_MAXHGT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | DEV_PERC | DEV_PERC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FAR_SQFT | FAR_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FARB_SQFT | FARB_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | UNDEV_SQFT | UNDEV_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EBLD_SQFT | EBLD_SQFT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | EBLD_FAR | EBLD_FAR | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | GBLD_HGT | GBLD_HGT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FAR_RATIO | FAR_RATIO | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FAR_UNUSED | FAR_UNUSED | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FARB_RATIO | FARB_RATIO | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FAR_HEADHT | FAR_HEADHT | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FARNUM | FARNUM | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | FARBNUM | FARBNUM | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | LANDVAL3 | LANDVAL3 | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | BLDGVAL3 | BLDGVAL3 | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | TOTALVAL3 | TOTALVAL3 | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | IL_RATIO | IL_RATIO | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | YEARBUILT | YEARBUILT | Integer | 2 | | | 1 | FARFLRS | FARFLRS | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | FARBFLRS | FARBFLRS | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | FLOOR_HT | FLOOR_HT | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | FAR_HGT | FAR_HGT | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | FARB_HGT | FARB_HGT | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | SFR_LOTS | SFR_LOTS | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | Numb_Const_Res | Numb_Const_Res | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | Numb_Const_Emp | Numb_Const_Emp | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | OBJECTID_1 | OBJECTID | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | OBJECTID_12 | OBJECTID | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | LOT_ID | LOT_ID | Integer | 4 | | |