Wetlands | ||||||
Category | Hydro | |||||
Feature Dataset Name | STAND-ALONE | |||||
Item Name | wetlands_pdx | |||||
Database Type | SDE | |||||
Originator | City of Portland | |||||
Bureau | Bureau of Planning and Sustainability | |||||
Publication Date | 10/18/2005 | |||||
Abstract | National Wetland Inventory (NWI) with revisions made by local governments in the tri-county region. Portland wetlands are updated from the original Metro dataset by City of Portland, Bureau of Planning & Sustainability to refine geometry, remove erroneously mapped wetlands, and add missing wetlands. This data can be viewed online at www.PortlandMaps.com. | |||||
Purpose | For identifying the location of wetlands. | |||||
Supplemental Information | This dataset is regularly updated. | |||||
Last Dataset Update | 12/02/2024 18:32 | |||||
Last Source Update | 12/02/2024 12:55 | |||||
Maintenance/Update Frequency | As needed | |||||
Extent | Clackamas County, Multnomah County, and Washington County, Oregon | |||||
Data Type | Vector | |||||
Shape Type | Polygon | |||||
Feature Count | 6586 | |||||
Horizontal Position Accuracy | Horizontal accuracy varies. For wetlands mapped using photogrammetric data, accuracy appears to be roughly +/- 10' in most circumstances. Wetlands mapped with differential GPS are within +/- 3'. Horizontal accuracy of wetlands mapped with aerial photography and LiDAR is +/- 5'. The horizontal accuracy of wetlands based on other sources (such as Metro) is unknown. Due to the difficulty in identifying an exact boundary of a wetland feature without a detailed field survey, wetland location should be considered approximate. | |||||
Horizontal Position Accuracy Link | Neither | |||||
Progress | Complete | |||||
North Bounding Coordinate | 5740351.8252 | |||||
South Bounding Coordinate | 5660941.0432 | |||||
East Bounding Coordinate | -13608943.0761 | |||||
West Bounding Coordinate | -13719955.4436 | |||||
Theme Keyword(s) | wetlands, waterbodies, hydrology | |||||
Theme Keyword Thesaurus | None | |||||
Place Keyword(s) | Portland, Multnomah County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Oregon | |||||
Place Keyword Thesaurus | None | |||||
Access Constraints | Available for Public Use | |||||
Use Constraints | These data are distributed under the terms of the City of Portland Data Distribution Policy. Care was taken in the creation of this data but it is provided "as is". The City of Portland cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. | |||||
Source Dataset Type | File Geodatabase | |||||
Output Geodatabase | EGH_PUBLIC_WGS | |||||
Distribution | Grid: State plane coordinate system 1983(91). Units: International feet Datum: North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN) Liability: The information in this file was derived from digital databases on the City of Portland GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. The City cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied. Format: Shapefile or File Geodatabase Feature Class - Data will be provided via City of Portland FTP Site. Online Resource: http://portlandmaps.com/opendata Online Instructions: City of Portland Public/Open Data is distributed via the PortlandMaps Open Data Site - http://portlandmaps.com/opendata. Data not available on the PortlandMaps Open Data site can be requested by contacting the City of Portland CGIS Group - maps@portlandoregon.gov Transfer Size: varies SPCS Zone Identifier: 5076 | |||||
Contact(s) | ||||||
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File(s) | ||||||
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Lineage | ||||||
01/01/2010 | Wetlands were modified in remapped in January 2010 using Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) permit information, field surveys from the City of Portland's Bureau of Environmental Services and Parks & Recreation, and 2004/2005/2007 LiDAR data (a complete description of the mapping methodology is attached). As new DSL and survey information becomes available, the data will be modified accordingly. | |||||
02/05/2020 | The original National Wetland Inventory (NWI) was modified by Metro with revisions made by other local governments in the tri-county region. These revisions were coordinated by Metro's Growth Management department. Wetlands are registered to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute quadrangles. For more information, refer to:http://mazama.metro-region.org/metadata/display.cfm?Meta_layer_id=462&Db_type=rlislite | |||||
05/10/2020 | Wetlands within the City of Portland and the Multomah County pockets were remapped using the 2002 Metro wetland inventory polygon shapefile as the original reference. All attributes from any Metro-mapped data were maintained in the updated waterbodies. Wetlands were reviewed and remapped as necessary based on data collected in the field, correcting discrepancies between the wetland data and the aerial photos, removing filled wetlands, etc. To date there has been no comprehensive review of ALL wetlands within the City and County pockets. Photogrammetric data (2' contours) and aerial photos were used as reference for remapping waterbodies. Any open water feature visible on the aerial photos or apparent as a depression in the 2' contour data was mapped. Waterbodies identified in the field were remapped to correspond with visual assessment (as recorded on a field sheet) and any GPS points collected. Waterbodies located in this matter were attributed with a "GPS_DATE". All of this supporting information is in digital format and available from the City of Portland, Bureau of Planning. |
Service | Description | Feature Access | Layer |
BES_Layers | Referecne layers as used by various BES web content | Dynamic | City of Portland Wetlands |
BDS_Layers | Map layers used to facilitate the permitting process | Dynamic | City of Portland Wetlands |
BDS_Layers | Map layers used to facilitate the permitting process | Dynamic | Wetlands |
BPS_Misc | Collection of micellaneous layers published to support Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability web mapping applications. | Dynamic | City of Portland Wetlands |
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Table Description | ||||||
Table Jurisdiction | ||||||
Column Sort | Column Name | Column Alias | Column Type | Column Size | Domain Value(s) | Column Description | 1 | CODE | Wetland Code | String | 8 | | | 1 | SOURCE | Reference Source | String | 30 |
| | 1 | MODIFIER | Modified By | String | 30 |
| | 1 | MOD_DATE | Modification Date | Date | 8 | | | 1 | OBJECTID | OBJECTID | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | NAME | NAME | String | 50 | | | 1 | LLID | LLID | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | SOURCE_REF | Reference Source Details | String | 30 | | | 1 | NHD_FCODE | NHD Feature Code | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | WS_ID | Watershed ID | Integer | 4 | | | 1 | HUC12 | HUC | Numeric | 8 | | | 1 | HUC12_NAME | HUC Name | String | 80 | | | 1 | MOD_NAME | Modifier Name | String | 15 | | | 1 | CREATED_BY | Created By | String | 15 | | | 1 | CREATEDATE | Creation Date | Date | 8 | | | 1 | FIELD_DATE | Field Date | Date | 8 | | | 1 | REVIEW | Flag for Review? | String | 5 | | | 1 | NOTES | NOTES | String | 255 | | | 1 | SUBAREA | Maintaining Agency | String | 30 | | |