Metadata: TSP Freight Facilities

TSP Freight Facilities

Category Transportation - Transit
Feature Dataset Name STAND-ALONE
Item Name freight_facilities_pdx
Database Type SDE
Originator City of Portland
Bureau Bureau of Transportation
Publication Date
Abstract Freight facilities with linkages to Transportation System Plan (TSP) TransPlanIDs.
Purpose For mapping and analysis of freight facilities in the context of the Transportation System Plan.
Supplemental Information
Last Dataset Update 06/28/2024 08:14
Last Source Update 08/05/2021 13:30
Maintenance/Update Frequency Frequent
Extent City of Portland
Data Type Vector
Shape Type Point
Feature Count 20
Horizontal Position Accuracy
Horizontal Position Accuracy Link Taxlots
Progress Complete
North Bounding Coordinate 5723430.1312
South Bounding Coordinate 5699182.065
East Bounding Coordinate -13645747.5847
West Bounding Coordinate -13668445.6049
Theme Keyword(s) transportation, TSP, freight
Theme Keyword Thesaurus None
Place Keyword(s) Portland, Multnomah County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Oregon
Place Keyword Thesaurus None
Access Constraints Available for Public Use
Use Constraints These data are distributed under the terms of the City of Portland Data Distribution Policy. Care was taken in the creation of this data but it is provided "as is".

The City of Portland cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy.
Source Dataset Type Enterprise Geodatabase
Output Geodatabase EGH_PUBLIC.GDB
Distribution Grid: State plane coordinate system 1983(91).
Units: International feet
Datum: North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN)
Liability: The information in this file was derived from digital databases on the City of Portland GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. The City cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied.
Format: Shapefile or File Geodatabase Feature Class - Data will be provided via City of Portland FTP Site.
Online Resource:
Online Instructions: City of Portland Public/Open Data is distributed via the PortlandMaps Open Data Site - Data not available on the PortlandMaps Open Data site can be requested by contacting the City of Portland CGIS Group -
Transfer Size: varies
SPCS Zone Identifier: 5076
PBOT GIS Support
1120 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 1331
Portland, OR 97204

City of Portland - PBOT
52501.png 244.55Kb X

Web Services

Service Description Feature Access Layer
PBOT_DefaultLayers This service includes an array of asset, permitting, planning and project data to serve as a general reference for PBOT staff working remotely. Dynamic Freight Facilities
PBOT_Planning This service includes data related to Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) planning activities, including policy classifications, area master plans, and planned transportation projects. Dynamic Freight Facilities
Transportation_System_Plan The Transportation Systems Plan (TSP) is the long-range plan to guide transportation investments in Portland. Originally developed in 2002 and last updated in 2007, the TSP meets state and regional planning requirements and addresses local transportation needs for cost-effective street, transit, freight, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements. The plan will provide transportation options for residents, employees, visitors, and firms doing business in Portland, making it more convenient to walk, bike, take transit -- and drive less -- while meeting their daily needs. Forecasted 20 year revenues are only ? to ½ of the amount needed to implement the City and other agency candidate projects and programs. City staff will use performance-based evaluation criteria, along with public comments, to recommend which projects to place on the higher priority 'Financially Constrained' list in the 2015 TSP. TSP Project Areas represent area (polygon) locations of proposed transportation projects over the next 20 years. Planned TSP projects are also represented as lines (Comprehensive Plan TSP Project Lines) and areas (Comprehensive Plan TSP Project Areas) in separate GIS datasets. Dynamic Freight Facilities

Attribute Tables & Domains

Table Description
Table Jurisdiction
Column Sort Column Name Column Alias Column Type Column Size Domain Value(s) Column Description
1 TranPlanID TranPlanID String 15
1 FacilityName FacilityName String 50
1 Status Status String 15