Metadata: pdx_streets_pdx


Category Transportation - Streets
Feature Dataset Name STAND-ALONE
Database Type SDE
Originator City of Portland
Bureau Bureau of Technology Services - Corporate GIS
Publication Date 01/01/1990
Abstract Street centerline network for the City of Portland. This dataset does not yet include the data fields and structure necessary for performing routing operations.
Purpose Provides a base for addressing, geocoding, street maintenance planning and tracking for street segments in the City of Portland.
Supplemental Information
Last Dataset Update 09/11/2024 16:37
Last Source Update 09/11/2024 04:57
Maintenance/Update Frequency Weekly
Extent City of Portland
Data Type Vector
Shape Type Poly Line
Feature Count 39576
Horizontal Position Accuracy
Horizontal Position Accuracy Link Taxlots
Progress Complete
North Bounding Coordinate 5724418.2489
South Bounding Coordinate 5689875.2839
East Bounding Coordinate -13633591.4528
West Bounding Coordinate -13674096.1642
Theme Keyword(s) Streets, Centerline, Portland
Theme Keyword Thesaurus None
Place Keyword(s) Portland, Oregon
Place Keyword Thesaurus None
Access Constraints Available for Public Use
Use Constraints These data are distributed under the terms of the City of Portland Data Distribution Policy. Care was taken in the creation of this data but it is provided "as is".

The City of Portland cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy.
Source Dataset Type File Geodatabase
Output Geodatabase EGH_PUBLIC_WGS
Distribution Grid: State plane coordinate system 1983(91).
Units: International feet
Datum: North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN)
Liability: The information in this file was derived from digital databases on the City of Portland GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. The City cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied.
Format: Shapefile or File Geodatabase Feature Class - Data will be provided via City of Portland FTP Site.
Online Resource:
Online Instructions: City of Portland Public/Open Data is distributed via the PortlandMaps Open Data Site - Data not available on the PortlandMaps Open Data site can be requested by contacting the City of Portland CGIS Group -
Transfer Size: varies
SPCS Zone Identifier: 5076
01/01/1988 Acquired street linework and annotation from Oregon Department of Transportation. This was digitized from 7 1/2 minutes USGS quad sheets.
01/01/1991 Replaced linework with newly digitized line work which "fell within" the street rights-of-way from the tax lot layer. Attributes were transfered from the U.S. Census Bureau TIGER file. Street names and address ranges were updated using paper maps collected from the three counties. Thomas Brothers Mapping was the primary contractor.
01/01/1991 The dataset was originally created by modifying the 1990 TIGER Census Centerline dataset to match the Oregon Department of Transporation (ODOT) maps.
04/01/1998 We deleted types 1600, 1900, 2100, 2200, 3100, 3210, 3220. Streets are no longer shown on the Clark County side of the river. Contact Clark County for detailed street information.
07/01/1998 This layer was reprojected to the NAD83/91 projection (also known as HPGN) as part of a conversion of all RLIS map layers.
07/15/2001 Projection information (.prj file), compatible with ArcGIS 8.1, was added to the layer.
10/31/2001 Add XML metadata compatible with ArcCatalog 8.1
10/31/2002 QC street name, addresse, city and zipcodes using E-911 CAD materials for Clackamas County (complete 20020901) and Washington County (complete 20021031).
10/24/2003 Hillsboro streets positional accuracy was improved. Streets were snapped to local planimetric data with a +/- 1' tolerance. The City of Hillsboro now maintains their subarea and supplies the data to Metro on a weekly basis.
01/01/2004 The City of Portland receives updates of the Regional Street Network on a quarterly basis. These updates are written to the regional dataset to update the segments that are not maitained by the City of Portland.
04/07/2020 The City of Portland maintains and updates the segments in and around the City of Portland on a weekly basis.

Attribute Tables & Domains

Table Description City of Portland Network Line Attributes.
Table Jurisdiction
Column Sort Column Name Column Alias Column Type Column Size Domain Value(s) Column Description
Software Calculated length of the street segment, in feet.
1 LOCALID Segment ID Integer 4
The Jurisdiction Specific Identification Number for the segment. This ID is used to coordinate editing the dataset with other jurisdictions in the region.
1 ZERO Leading Zero Indicator Integer 2
0 No Leading Zero X
1 Contains Leading Zero X
Indicates whether the addresses along the segment begin with a zero (e.g..: 0321 SW Main St.).
1 PREFIX Street Name Prefix String 2
E East X
NE Northeast X
NW Northwest X
N North X
SE Southeast X
SW Southwest X
S South X
W West X
The Street Name Prefix for the segment (i.e.: N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW).
1 STREETNAME Street Name String 50
The recorded name of the street segment.
1 FTYPE Street Name Type String 4
Street segment feature type (e.g. Ave, Blvd, St, etc.).
1 DIRECTION Travel Direction Integer 2
1 Two-way street X
2 One-way with the address range X
3 One-way against the address range X
Direction of traffic travel on the street segment (if not bi-directional).
1 LEFTADD1 Left Side From Address Integer 4
Beginning value of the address range on the left side of the street segment.
1 LEFTADD2 Left Side To Address Integer 4
Ending value of the address range on the left side of the street segment.
1 RGTADD1 Right Side From Address Integer 4
Beginning value of the address range on the right side of the street segment.
1 RGTADD2 Right Side To Address Integer 4
Ending value of the address range on the right side of the street segment.
1 LEFTZIP Left Side Zip Code String 5
The Zip Code value to the left side of the street segment.
1 RIGHTZIP Right Side Zip Code String 5
The Zip Code value to the right side of the street segment.
1 TYPE Transport Type Integer 4
1110 Freeway X
1120 Freeway ramp from one freeway to another X
1121 Freeway on-ramp X
1122 Freeway off-ramp X
1123 Freeway on and off-ramp (combination) X
1200 Highway X
1221 MInor residential to freeway/highway on-ramp X
1222 Freeway/Highway to minor residential off-ramp X
1223 Freeway/Highway to minor residential on and off ramp (combination) X
1300 Primary arterial X
1400 Secondary arterial X
1450 Major residential X
1500 Minor residential X
1521 Minor residential linkage X
1700 Private named street X
1800 Driveway or private unnamed street X
5201 Highway with rapid transit X
5301 Primary arterial with rapid transit X
5401 Secondary arterial with rapid transit X
5451 Major residential with rapid transit X
5500 Minor residential with railroad X
5501 Minor residential with rapid transit X
9000 Forest Service road X
Street Classification.
1 LCOUNTY Left Side County Name String 5
The County Name to the left side of the street segment.
1 RCOUNTY Right Side County Name String 5
The County Name to the right side of the street segment.
1 LCITY Left Side City Name String 25
The City Name to the left side of the street segment.
1 RCITY Right Side City Name String 25
The City Name to the right side of the street segment.
1 SUFFIX Street Name Suffix String 2
Suffix value to be included in the name of a street segment. Usually used on highway and interstate segments to indicate the direction of traffic flow.
1 FULL_NAME Full Street Name String 65
A combination of the "Prefix", "StreetName", "FType" and "Suffix" values to produce a full name for the street segment.
1 SIDE Side Label Integer 2
0 Addresses on both sides of the street segment. X
1 Addresses on the right side of the street segment. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase. X
2 Addresses on the left side of the street segment. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase. X
3 Addresses do not exist on either side of the street segment. X
Address Side. Indicates whether addresses are found on both sides of the street segment, one side of the street segment or neither side of the street segment.
1 SOURCE Segment Data Source String 1
The original source document for the street segment.
1 CFCC Census Feature Class Code (CFCC) String 3
A31 Secondary, unseparated X
A33 NEW Secondary w/ MAX, unseparated X
A34 Secondary w/ RR, unseparated X
A35 Secondary, separated X
A37 NEW Secondary, w/ MAX, separated X
A38 Secondary w/ RR, separated X
A41 Local, unseparated X
A43 NEW Local w/ MAX, unseparated X
A44 Local w/ RR, unseparated X
A45 Local, separated X
A47 NEW Local, w/ MAX, separated X
A48 Local w/ RR, separated X
A51 Vehicular trail, unseparated X
A61 Cul-de-sac X
A62 Traffic circle X
A63 Access ramp X
A64 Service drive, frontage road X
A71 Walkway or pedestrian trail X
A72 Stairway or pedestrian stepped road X
A73 Alleys X
A74 Driveways, private service roads X
A75 NEW - Bicycle trails X
B01 Railroad track - general X
B51 Light rail X
C10 Pipeline X
C20 Power transmission line X
F10 Nonvisible jurisdiction boundary X
F30 Point-to-point line between features X
F40 Property line X
F50 Zip Code boundary X
F72 1990 Statistical boundary X
H10 Stream X
H20 Canal, ditch X
H30 Lake or pond X
H40 Water reservoir X
The Census Feature Class Code value for the street segment. No longer actively maintained.
1 SUBAREA Data Maintenance Sub Area String 1
C Clackamas County X
M Multnomah County X
P Portland X
W Washington County X
The jurisdiction responsible for maintenance of the street segment in the centerline data.
1 STRUC_TYPE Structure Type Integer 4
0 No information X
10 At grade, no structure X
21 Overpass; a structure over grade level X
23 Bridge; Structure over water X
32 Tunnel; Structure under land X
The basic type of structure related to the street segment.
1 LEFT_JUR Left Side Jurisdiction Name String 30
The jurisdication to the left of the street segment. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase.
1 RIGHT_JUR Right Side Jurisdiction Name String 30
The jurisdiction name to the right of the street segment. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase.
1 PRI_NM_ID Primary Street Name ID Integer 4
The primary street name id to tie the name of the street segment to the address database.
1 LFT_NM_ID Left Side Street Name ID Integer 4
The street name id to the left side of the street segment. to tie the name of the street segment to the address database. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase.
1 RGT_NM_ID Right Side Street Name ID Numeric 8
The street name id to the right side of the street segment. to tie the name of the street segment to the address database. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase.
1 BTM_SEG_ID BTM Segment ID Numeric 8
The identification number used for the street segment in the Bureau of Transportation Management. No longer maintained.
1 PDX_F_NODE Portland From Node ID Integer 4
The Portland ID for the node at the beginning of the street segment. Street segment side begining and end corresponds to the lowest and highest value of the address along the segment respectively.
1 PDX_T_NODE Portland To Node ID Integer 4
The Portland ID for the node at the end of the street segment. Street segment side begining and end corresponds to the lowest and highest value of the address along the segment respectively.
1 UPD_DATE Segment Data Last Update Date Date 8
Date segment was last updated.
1 CREATE_DAT Segment Data Creation Date Date 8
Date segment was created.
1 F_ZLEV From Z Level Integer 2
-2 two levels below grade X
-1 one level below grade X
0 no data X
1 at grade X
2 one level above grade X
3 two levels above grade X
Ordinal value for elevation at start of segment.
1 T_ZLEV To Z Level Integer 2
-2 two levels below grade X
-1 one level below grade X
0 no data X
1 at grade X
2 one level above grade X
3 two levels above grade X
Ordinal value for elevation at end of segment.