streets_pdx |
Table Description | Regional Street Network Line Attributes. |
Table Jurisdiction | |
Column Sort | Column Name | Column Alias | Column Type | Column Size | Domain Value(s) | Column Description |
1 | SUBAREA | Data Maintenance Sub Area | String | 1 | C | Clackamas County | X | M | Multnomah County | X | P | Portland | X | W | Washington County | X | | The jurisdiction responsible for maintenance of the street segment. | 1 | STRUC_TYPE | Structure Type | Integer | 4 | 0 | No information | X | 10 | At grade, no structure | X | 21 | Overpass; a structure over grade level | X | 23 | Bridge; Structure over water | X | 32 | Tunnel; Structure under land | X | | The basic type of structure related to the street segment. | 1 | LEFT_JUR | Left Side Jurisdiction Name | String | 30 | | The jurisdication to the left of the street segment. | 1 | RIGHT_JUR | Right Side Jurisdiction Name | String | 30 | | The jurisdiction name to the right of the street segment. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase. | 1 | PRI_NM_ID | Primary Street Name ID | Integer | 4 | | The primary street name id to tie the name of the street segment to the address database. | 1 | LFT_NM_ID | Left Side Street Name ID | Integer | 4 | | The street name id to the left side of the street segment. to tie the name of the street segment to the address database. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase. | 1 | RGT_NM_ID | Right Side Street Name ID | Numeric | 8 | | The street name id to the right side of the street segment. to tie the name of the street segment to the address database. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase. | 1 | BTM_SEG_ID | BTM Segment ID | Numeric | 8 | | The identification number used for the street segment in the Bureau of Transportation Management. | 1 | PDX_F_NODE | Portland From Node ID | Integer | 4 | | The Portland ID for the node at the beginning of the street segment. Street segment side begining and end corresponds to the lowest and highest value of the address along the segment respectively. | 1 | PDX_T_NODE | Portland To Node ID | Integer | 4 | | The Portland ID for the node at the end of the street segment. Street segment side begining and end corresponds to the lowest and highest value of the address along the segment respectively. | 1 | UPD_DATE | Segment Data Last Update Date | Date | 8 | | | 1 | CREATE_DAT | Segment Data Creation Date | Date | 8 | | | 1 | CFCC | Census Feature Class Code (CFCC) | String | 3 | A31 | Secondary, unseparated | X | A33 | NEW Secondary w/ MAX, unseparated | X | A34 | Secondary w/ RR, unseparated | X | A35 | Secondary, separated | X | A37 | NEW Secondary, w/ MAX, separated | X | A38 | Secondary w/ RR, separated | X | A41 | Local, unseparated | X | A43 | NEW Local w/ MAX, unseparated | X | A44 | Local w/ RR, unseparated | X | A45 | Local, separated | X | A47 | NEW Local, w/ MAX, separated | X | A48 | Local w/ RR, separated | X | A51 | Vehicular trail, unseparated | X | A61 | Cul-de-sac | X | A62 | Traffic circle | X | A63 | Access ramp | X | A64 | Service drive, frontage road | X | A71 | Walkway or pedestrian trail | X | A72 | Stairway or pedestrian stepped road | X | A73 | Alleys | X | A74 | Driveways, private service roads | X | A75 | NEW - Bicycle trails | X | B01 | Railroad track - general | X | B51 | Light rail | X | C10 | Pipeline | X | C20 | Power transmission line | X | F10 | Nonvisible jurisdiction boundary | X | F30 | Point-to-point line between features | X | F40 | Property line | X | F50 | Zip Code boundary | X | F72 | 1990 Statistical boundary | X | H10 | Stream | X | H20 | Canal, ditch | X | H30 | Lake or pond | X | H40 | Water reservoir | X | | The Census Feature Class Code value for the street segment. This field is no longer actively maintained. | 1 | SOURCE | Segment Data Source | String | 1 | | The original source document for the street segment. | 1 | SIDE | Side Label | Integer | 2 | 0 | Addresses on both sides of the street segment. | X | 1 | Addresses on the right side of the street segment. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase. | X | 2 | Addresses on the left side of the street segment. Street segment side is determined by moving along the segment in the direction of address value increase. | X | 3 | Addresses do not exist on either side of the street segment. | X | | Address Side. Indicates whether addresses are found on both sides of the street segment, one side of the street segment or neither side of the street segment. | 1 | FULL_NAME | Full Street Name | String | 65 | | A combination of the "Prefix", "StreetName", "FType" and "Suffix" values to produce a full name for the street segment. | 1 | SUFFIX | Street Name Suffix | String | 2 | | Suffix value to be included in the name of a street segment. Usually used on highway and interstate segments to indicate the direction of traffic flow. | 1 | RCITY | Right Side City Name | String | 25 | | The City Name to the right side of the street segment. | 1 | LCITY | Left Side City Name | String | 25 | | The City Name to the left side of the street segment. | 1 | RCOUNTY | Right Side County Name | String | 5 | | The County Name to the right side of the street segment. | 1 | LCOUNTY | Left Side County Name | String | 5 | | The County Name to the left side of the street segment. | 1 | TYPE | Transport Type | Integer | 4 | 1110 | Freeway | X | 1120 | Ramps, Interchanges (one Freeway to another) | X | 1121 | On-Ramp or Slip Road Linkage (used to enter a Freeway or lower class road) | X | 1122 | Off-Ramp or Slip Road Linkage (used to exit a Freeway or lower class road) | X | 1123 | On/Off-Ramp or Slip Road Linkage (used to enter or exit a Freeway or lower class road) | X | 1200 | Highway | X | 1221 | On-Ramp or Slip Road Linkage (used to enter a Highway or lower class road) | X | 1222 | Off-Ramp or Slip Road Linkage (used to exit a Highway or lower class road) | X | 1223 | On/Off-Ramp or Slip Road Linkage (used to enter or exit a Highway or lower class road) | X | 1300 | Primary Arterial | X | 1321 | Primary Arterial Linkage (ramp/slip road used to enter or exit a Primary Arterial or loser class road) | X | 1400 | Secondary Arterial | X | 1421 | Arterial Linkage (ramp/slip road used to enter or exit an Arterial or lower class road) | X | 1450 | Tertiary Street - Neighborhood Collector | X | 1471 | Tertiary Street Linkage (ramp/slip road used to enter a Tertiary Street or lower class road) | X | 1500 | Minor Residential | X | 1521 | Ramp/Slip Road used to enter or exit a Residential Street | X | 1700 | Private Named Road | X | 1800 | Unnamed Private Road/Driveway | X | 1950 | Public planned street with addresses (will be active soon) | X | 5101 | Freeway with Rapid Transit (MAX or streetcar). Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 5201 | Highway with Rapid Transit (MAX or streetcar). Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 5301 | Primary Arterial with Rapid Transit (MAX or streetcar). Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 5401 | Arterial with Rapid Transit (MAX or streetcar). Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 5402 | Secondary arterial with rapid transit, but no regular vehicle traffic.
| X | 5450 | Tertiary Street with Railroad. Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 5451 | Tertiary Street with Rapid Transit (MAX or streetcar). Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 5500 | Minor Residential with Railroad. Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 5501 | Minor Residential with Rapid Transit (MAX or streetcar). Auto traffic and rail trackage in shared ROW. | X | 7700 | Short segments indicating mile post locations along certain highways to assist emergency dispatch in Clackamas and Washington Counties. These are short pseudo-segments that do not exist (Clackamas and Washington Counties only). | X | 8224 | Unknown Type (only in Yamhill County, SUBAREA='Y') | X | 9000 | Forest Service Road | X | | Street Classification. | 1 | F_ZLEV | From Z Level | Integer | 2 | | | 1 | T_ZLEV | To Z Level | Integer | 2 | | | 1 | LEFT_JUR | Left Side Jurisdiction Name | String | 30 | | The jurisdication to the left of the street segment. | 1 | RIGHTZIP | Right Side Zip Code | String | 5 | | The Zip Code value to the right side of the street segment. | 1 | LEFTZIP | Left Side Zip Code | String | 5 | | The Zip Code value to the left side of the street segment. | 1 | RGTADD2 | Right Side To Address | Integer | 4 | | Ending value of the address range on the right side of the street segment. | 1 | RGTADD1 | Right Side From Address | Integer | 4 | | Beginning value of the address range on the right side of the street segment. | 1 | LEFTADD2 | Left Side To Address | Integer | 4 | | Ending value of the address range on the left side of the street segment. | 1 | LEFTADD1 | Left Side From Address | Integer | 4 | | Beginning value of the address range on the left side of the street segment. | 1 | DIRECTION | Travel Direction | Integer | 2 | 1 | Two-way street | X | 2 | One-way street, range increases with centerline direction | X | 3 | One-way street, range increases against centerline direction | X | | Direction of traffic travel on the street segment (if not bi-directional). | 1 | FTYPE | Street Name Type | String | 4 | | Street segment feature type (i.e.: Ave, Blvd, St, etc.). | 1 | STREETNAME | Street Name | String | 50 | | The recorded name of the street segment. | 1 | PREFIX | Street Name Prefix | String | 2 | E | East | X | N | North | X | NE | NorthEast | X | NW | NorthWest | X | SE | Southeast | X | SW | Southwest | X | S | South | X | W | West | X | | The Street Name Prefix for the segment (i.e.: N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW). | 1 | ZERO | Leading Zero Indicator | Integer | 2 | 0 | No Leading Zero | X | 1 | Contains Leading Zero. | X | | Indicates whether the addresses along the segment begin with a zero (i.e.: 0321 SW Main St.). | 1 | LOCALID | Segment ID | Integer | 4 | | The Jurisdiction Specific Identification Number for the segment. This ID is used to coordinate editing the dataset with other regional jurisdictions. | 1 | LENGTH | LENGTH | Numeric | 8 | | Software Calculated length of the street segment. |