| Bicycle Network | This linear feature class represents the citywide bicycle network, including bicycle boulevards, bike lanes, multi-use trails and signed connections. The status field indicates whether the facility is Active, Planned or Recommended for future development. | Transportation - Streets | 01/24/25 07:32 PM |
| Central City in Motion Project (Line) | Line features representing transportation projects planned as part of the Central City in Motion project. | Transportation - Streets | 06/28/24 07:33 PM |
| Central City in Motion Projects (Point) | Point features representing transportation projects planned as part of the Central City in Motion project. | Transportation - Streets | 06/28/24 07:33 PM |
| High Crash Network | The High Crash Network includes Portland’s most dangerous streets and intersections for people driving, walking, and bicycling. This dataset delineates the streets which are among the top 20 crash streets for motor vehicles, for pedestrians and for bicyclists. Many streets are high crash streets for multiple transportation modes. Together, they form a network of 30 high crash streets. | Transportation - Streets | 01/24/25 07:37 PM |
| Local Improvement District (LID) Streets | This linear feature class includes the area of improvementwithin the project limits of local improvement districts (LIDs) that have beenformed by City Council since 2001. MostLIDs are for street improvements, but LIDs have also been formed for aerial tram, streetcar, water main and sanitary sewer improvements. Areas of improvement for streetcar, watermain and sanitary sewer improvements are currently not shown on thislayer. "Completed" in the LIDStatus field refers to LIDs for which final assessment has been imposed by CityCouncil; "Pending Completion" refers to LIDs which are in the designor construction phases, or which construction but not final assessment iscomplete. | Transportation - Streets | 01/21/25 06:37 PM |
| Pavement Management System | Representation of the Portland's pavement assets, showing maintained and non-maintained pavement segments, and identifying attributes and condition of those segments. | Transportation - Streets | 01/24/25 07:41 PM |
| PDOT Snow and Ice Routes | Service Level A: Pre-identified hazard areas and critical locations, including bridges and overpasses. Service Level B: Primary routes, including major arterials, major transit routes, and emergency response routes for Police, Fire, and ambulance. Service Level C: Secondary routes, including high-volume arterials and major collector streets in residential and commercial districts. Service Level D: Neighborhood residential streets are generally not plowed and sanded during snow and ice events except to provide access for emergency vehicles. Traction Advisory Areas: Visibility and road conditions can change rapidly in these areas in winter weather. Exercise extreme caution, carry chains, and be prepared to use them.ODOT Plow Routes: Several highways run through Portland and are the responsibility of ODOT to maintain and plow in snow and ice; i.e. 82nd Avenue, Powell Boulevard, Lombard Street, Barbur Boulevard, Sandy Boulevard (outer east side), and Macadam Avenue.Port of Portland Roads: Airport Way west of I-205 and 82nd Avenue north of Alderwood Road are the responsibility of the Port to maintain and plow in snow and ice. | Transportation - Streets | 01/24/25 08:34 PM |
| Recommended Bicycle Route Points | Point dataset identifying difficult connections on the city's developed bikeway networks, as well as, bike shops, and major elevation changes | Transportation - Streets | 01/24/25 07:32 PM |
| Recommended Bicycle Routes | Network of developed bikeways and other bike facilities in Portland,including: off-street multi-use paths, neighborhood greenways, on-street bikelanes, buffered and protected bike lanes, and low traffic shared roadways, | Transportation - Streets | 01/24/25 07:32 PM |
| Speed Limits | Thisfeature class represents the speed limit for all public surface streets inPortland. Freeways and associated ramps are not included. Speed limits for eachsegment are described in miles per hour. In addition, segments are populatedwith a Yes/No value indicating the presence/absence of a school zone. Consistent with City Ordinance 188774, local, residential streets arerepresented with a 20 mph speed limit in the dataset whether or not speed limitsignage has been posted. Residential streets that are not posted 20 mph revertto basicrule. | Transportation - Streets | 01/24/25 07:45 PM |