Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    AMANDA Folder Detail AMANDA folder details and processing metrics Development
    AMANDA Folder Milestone Derived from the AMANDA database, key milestones associated with a folder process. Data includes attempt results like approved, check sheet and not required Development
    AMANDA Folder Review Milesone Folder event timeline derived from the AMANDA database Development
    Backflow Preventors Permits with backflow preventer valves mentioned. Created through BRD 220015. Refreshed weekly. Permit records are exported from TRACS and joined to taxlotgeometry. NOT TO BE USED TO REVISE CAPACITY RISK. Backflow valves are often placed on a variety of individualfixtures and therefore it cannot be assumed that the entire property isprotected without further detailed research. Development 01/16/25 05:06 PM
    BLI Model Development Capacity The first step of the Bureau of Planning Sustainability's Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI) model is used to identify parcels that are likely to redevelop in the City of Portland -- parcels that are either vacant or significantly underutilizing their allowed development capacity. FAR and building height limits are the primary limiting factor on development in employment, commercial, and high-density residential areas. In multi-family and single-family residential areas, capacities are determined by the allowed number of residential units. This portion of the BLI modeling process consists of 3 basic steps:1) calculate existing building square footages and allowed development limits (in terms of building square footage or number of residential units); 2) identify parcels using significantly less than their allowed development capacity (using less than 20% of available capacity, not including any development bonuses or incentives);3) apply development constraints to these parcels and calculate remaining capacity in terms of building square footage, allowed number of residential units, and allowed number of jobs. The attached graphics illustrate the process in more detail. This featureclass is the result of that analysis. It is used to determine the total supply of residential and employment land, which is an input into subsequent steps of the BLI model, which allocates forecasted units and jobs to different areas of the City. Development 05/20/22 07:31 AM
    Capital Improvement Projects (Line) Line features representing Capital Improvement Projects for the City of Portland Bureaus Development 01/19/25 04:29 PM
    Capital Improvement Projects (Point) Point features representing Capital Improvement Projects for the City of Portland Bureaus Development 01/19/25 04:30 PM
    Capital Improvement Projects (Polygon) Polygon features representing Capital Improvement Projects for the City of Portland Bureaus Development 01/19/25 04:30 PM
    Capital Improvement Projects BES-Area (Construction Current Fiscal Year) Development 04/29/19 02:21 PM
    Capital Improvement Projects BES-Linear (Construction Current Fiscal Year) Development 04/29/19 02:21 PM