| 1996 Flood Extent | This data is maintained by and obtained from Metro GIS. Click the link above to view the Metro GIS metadata for this dataset. | Hazard | 11/06/24 10:26 AM |
| FEMA Flood Hazard Areas | The FEMA Flood Hazard Layer represents the location and attributes of flood insurance risk zones from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and any Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs) that have been issued against those databases since their publication date. It is updated on a monthly basis. The FIRM Database is the digital, geospatial version of the flood hazard information shown on the published paper FIRMs. The FIRM Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The primary risk classifications used are the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event, the 0.2-percent-annual-chance flood event, and areas of minimal flood risk. The floodway, 100-year floodplain/SFHA (Special Flood Hazard Area), and the 500-year floodplain are all derived from this dataset. | Hazard | 10/16/24 05:29 PM |
| Flood Insurance Rate Map Index | Polygons representing the index of FEMA flood insurance rate maps. | Hazard | 01/03/11 10:49 AM |
| Floodplain - 1996 Portland Flood | Area of inundation in the 1996 flood, as mapped by the US Army Corps of Engineers | Hazard | 02/27/19 11:49 AM |
| landslide_inv_deposits_bes_pdx | | Hazard | 07/30/20 05:31 PM |
| landslides_bes_pdx | | Hazard | 05/04/20 05:21 PM |
| lust_bes_pdx | Leaking Underground Storage Tank data is downloaded periodically from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. | Hazard | 04/04/23 07:33 AM |
| Portland Flood Response Stages | This layer reflects the expected impact and response required for each phase of a flood event. | Hazard | 08/04/20 05:16 PM |
| ust_bes_pdx | Leaking Underground Storage Tank data is downloaded periodically from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. | Hazard | 03/31/23 12:39 PM |
| Wildland Fire Hazard Zones | Areas of elevated risk for wild land fires. Vegetation, Slope, and the ODF Fire Weather Hazard ratingwere the main factors used in the wildlands hazard zone analysis done in 2002using ArcGIS software. Developed Land designations were further used to refinethe product. Golf Courses and Industrial Zoned Lands were excluded. The finalanalysis was mapped to taxlot parcels where 50% or more of the taxlot andadjacent taxlots fell into the boundaries of the Wildland Hazard Zone.Additional custom edits were made based on visual inspections by Portland Fire Rescue. | Hazard | 12/23/20 02:16 PM |