| Bare Earth DEM-Based Hillshade | DEM-based hillshade represents the earth's surface with all vegetation and man-made structures removed leaving bare points representing just the physical ground surface. The Hillshade is derived from the 2014 LiDAR Survey flown | Land | |
| contours_2ft_pdx | | Land | 10/01/13 05:27 PM |
| Elevation Contours (BES watershed) | Representation of 2' Contours for the Watershed Area Bare Earth with waterbodies removed. | Land | 05/06/20 11:06 AM |
| Elevation Contours (City) | Contour dataset represents the earth's surface with all vegetation and man-made structures removed representing just the physical ground surface. Features represent approximated elevations. | Land | 05/06/20 10:53 AM |
| faults_bes_pdx | | Land | 05/04/20 05:01 PM |
| First Return DEM-Based Hillshade | DEM-based hillshade represents the earth's surface along with all vegetation and man-made structures included from highest hit lidar data point returns. In addition it represents elevations, slope, and feature height. | Land | |
| LiDAR Bare Earth Digital Elevation Model | This dataset encompasses the City of Portland portion of the 2014 LiDAR Survey flown by (WSI) a Quantum Spatial Company (QSI) for The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) with flights occurring from July 2014 through September 2014. The digital elevation model (DEM) represents the earth's surface with all vegetation and man-made structures removed leaving bare points representing just the physical ground surface. The DEM grid cell size is one foot. | Land | |
| LiDAR DEM Percent Slope (2014) | DEM Percent Slope for BES Topographic Watershed. Derived from 2014 reclassified Bare Earth DEM at 1 foot resolution | Land | |
| LiDAR First Returns Digital Elevation Model | The digital elevation model (DEM) represents the earth's surface along with all vegetation and man-made structures included from highest hit lidar data point returns. | Land | |
| LiDAR_2014_Contours_Reg_BES_pdx | | Land | 01/04/17 06:30 PM |