| 2007 Census Block Population | 2007 Census Population Estimates for Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Couties of Oregon and Clark County Washington. | Census | 12/23/20 11:34 AM |
| 2010 Census Block Groups | A Census Block Group is a geographical unit used by the United States Census Bureau which is between the Census Tract and the Census Block. It is the smallest geographical unit for which the bureau publishes sample data, i.e. data which is only collected from a fraction of all households. | Census | 02/06/24 07:04 AM |
| 2020 Census Block Groups | | Census | 02/13/23 07:32 AM |
| 2020 Census Blocks | | Census | 02/13/23 07:33 AM |
| Census Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) 2000 | | Census | 05/05/20 01:51 PM |
| Census Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) 2010 | | Census | 05/05/20 01:51 PM |
| census_blck_2007_hholdunits_pdx | | Census | 08/20/07 05:08 PM |
| census_blocks_2010_pdx | | Census | 07/28/20 05:12 PM |
| census_tracts_2010_pdx | | Census | 05/04/20 04:28 PM |