Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    City of Portland Vegetation Vegetation patches larger than 1/2 acre. Based on information from reference data sources including 6" resolution aerial photos, Parks and Recreation natural area assessments, and vegetation surveys along the banks of the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Vegetation patches area classified as forest, woodland, shrubland, or herbaceous. The mapping area includes all land within the City of Portland and the unincorporated parts of Multnomah County that are administered by the City of Portland. Environmental 11/20/24 06:27 PM
    corings_mtl_bes_pdx Environmental 02/06/25 05:37 PM
    Critical Fish Habitat the feature class was based on the ESRI US National Atlas USA Detailed Streams Water Feature. From there it was modified to include geometry from Critical Fish Habitat Layers produced by different subsections within NOAA. These fish layers did not all have a unified geometry so a subset of the ESRI data was made for the Northwest and then put each of the individual fish species over the top of this. Environmental 10/23/21 09:03 AM
    cs_row_analysis_bes_pdx Columbia Slough Watershed right-of-way-polygons polygons populated and prioritized by traffic street classes. Environmental 05/04/20 04:54 PM
    deq_environ_cleanup_sites_pdx Environmental 10/01/13 05:33 PM
    Drainage Classes (wet) The Wetted Drainage Class and Hydrologic Soil Group maps are based on soil classifications that approximate saturation frequency and duration and also estimate runoff potential. The Sump Capacity Data by Quarter Section map is based on sump infiltration data collected and compiled by the City of Portland. "Drainage class (natural)" refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods under conditions similar to those under which the soil formed. Alterations of the water regime by human activities, either through drainage or irrigation, are not a consideration unless they have significantly changed the morphology of the soil. Seven classes of natural soil drainage are recognized-excessively drained, somewhat excessively drained, well drained, moderately well drained, somewhat poorly drained, poorly drained, and very poorly drained. These classes are defined in the Soil Survey of Multnomah County, Oregon; 1983. Environmental 10/01/13 05:55 PM
    ecoroof_bes_pdx Environmental 02/06/25 05:38 PM
    ecoroof_pts_bes_pdx Environmental 02/06/25 05:38 PM
    ECSI Sites This layer was developed for the purpose of being used as a flagging mechanism during the construction permitting processes at the City of Portland Environmental Services. For official ECSI information, contact the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Environmental 02/06/25 05:38 PM
    environmental_sensor_pdx Environmental 10/01/13 05:39 PM