| Active Use Lines | | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:36 PM |
| Additonal OS Uses (Retail Sales and Services) | Areas where additional retail use and services allowed in Open Space zones in South Reach | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:36 PM |
| Aircraft Landing Overlay Zone | The Aircraft Landing Overlay Zone provides safer operating conditions for aircraft in the vicinity ofPortland International Airport by limiting the height of structures, vegetation, andconstruction equipment. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/53338 | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:42 PM |
| Airfield Height Isolines | Map of Portland International Airport detail take-off and landing zone height limits. Source: Port of Portland | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:42 PM |
| Airport Noise Contours | 2001 Portland International Airport noise contours to be used as background for the 65 and 68 DNL line layer. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/53357 | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:43 PM |
| Airport Noise DNLS 65 and 68 | Overlay Zone. There are several contours within the zone. The boundaries of the 65 DNL and 68 DNL noise contours are based on the 1990 Portland International Airport Noise Abatement Plan. The 55 DNL noise contour is based on the 2035 50th Percentile Forecast Noise Exposure Map in the 2010 Portland International Airport Master Plan Update. A set of quarter-section maps, known as the PDX Noise Zone Maps, is available for viewing at the Development Services Center. The maps are the official reference maps for the PDX Noise Zone regulations. The maps show the 55 DNL noise contour and each successively higher noise contour in one DNL increments. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/53357 | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:42 PM |
| Airport Noise Impact Overlay Zone | The Portland International Airport Noise Impact Overlay Zone reduces the impact of aircraft noise on development within the noise impact area surrounding the Portland International Airport. The zone achieves this by limiting residential densities and by requiring noise insulation, noise disclosure statements, and noise easements. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/53357 | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:43 PM |
| Airport Special Areas | Map boundaries for special areas in plan district. | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:43 PM |
| Archaeological Sensitivity Areas | Archaeological evidence has confirmed that American Indians used the area prior to the entry of EuroAmericans to the Portland area. Archaeological resources have historic, cultural, and scientific value to the general public and heritage value to the associated tribes, whose ancestors lived in the plan district area and harvested local natural resources for subsistence and spiritual/ceremonial uses. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/53364 | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:43 PM |
| Bank Reconfiguration and Basking Features Area | Standards that apply to bank reconfiguration projects that take place in the Bank Reconfiguration and Basking Features Area shown on Map 430-14 http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/53343 | Zoning Code | 07/30/21 07:43 PM |