Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    Assessor_Pts_mult_pdx Taxlots 02/05/25 05:06 PM
    Assessor_Pts_tri_county_pdx Taxlots 02/05/25 05:10 PM
    Property This City of Portland enterprise property feature class combines multiple sources, including City and external sources, for comprehensive detail about current and historic taxlots and properties. Taxlots 02/07/25 09:58 PM
    Taxlots Tax lots, right-of-way outlines and tax account numbers as represented on county tax assessor hard copy maps. Each Taxlot carries as an attribute the county "Property ID" for that parcel which can be used to associate the taxlot with the information in the County Assessor's database for the county in which the parcels lies. Selected items from each County Assessor's file are included in the attribute table for each taxlot. The tax lot spatial features inside the City of Portland are maintained by PDOT on contract from the City of Portland Corporate GIS. These taxlot parcels are updated on a weekly basis. Those taxlots outside of the City are delivered by Metro on a quarterly basis. The Multnomah County assessor data is updated on a weekly basis and the data for the surrounding couties is updated when the Metro update is received. Taxlots 02/05/25 10:17 AM