Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    Bike Map Points Transportation - Plan 02/11/25 03:29 PM
    Bike Share Service Area Polygon feature class representing the service area of the City of Portland's bike share service. The name of the bike share and service provider is noted in the attributes. Transportation - Plan 02/11/25 03:29 PM
    city_taz_1174_pdx Transportation - Plan 02/28/11 12:15 PM
    PBOT Equity Index PBOT launched its Equity Matrix in 2017. It was developed based on national equity best practices and guidelines from Portland’s Office of Equity and Human Rights (OEHR). Thus, it measures race, ethnicity, and income and uses these measurements to rank census tracts based on these factors. Limited English proficiency (LEP) data is used to provide additional context, highlighting census tracts where the percentage of households with limited English proficiency is above the city median. Read more on OEHR’s Language Access page.The Equity Matrix gives PBOT staff a critical tool to use. Furthermore, it helps us embed the work of transforming systems that impact marginalized groups and helps us make these systems more equitable. We work to ensure our staff know how to use it and apply it consistently across our various work groups. For more details, see the PBOT Equity Matrix webpage: https://www.portland.gov/transportation/justice/pbot-equity-matrix. Transportation - Plan 06/28/24 07:36 PM
    Transportation System Plan (TSP) Area Plan - Lines TSP Area Plans are part of a group of layers that make up the Transportation System Plan, which is the 20-year plan for transportation improvements in the City of Portland. The goal of the TSP is to provide transportation choices for residents, employees, visitors and firms doing business in Portland by describing what the system should look like and what purpose it fulfills. This feature class contains linear features related to the Area Plans. Transportation - Plan 02/11/25 03:42 PM
    Transportation System Plan (TSP) Area Plan - Polygons TSP Area Plans are part of a group of layers that make up the Transportation System Plan, which is the 20-year plan for transportation improvements in the City of Portland. The goal of the TSP is to provide transportation choices for residents, employees, visitors and firms doing business in Portland by describing what the system should look like and what purpose it fulfills. This feature class contains polygon features related to the Area Plans. Transportation - Plan 02/11/25 03:43 PM
    Transportation System Plan (TSP) District Boundaries The Transportation Systems Plan (TSP) is the long-range plan to guide transportation investments in Portland. Originally developed in 2002 and last updated in 2007, the TSP meets state and regional planning requirements and addresses local transportation needs for cost-effective street, transit, freight, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements. The plan will provide transportation options for residents, employees, visitors, and firms doing business in Portland, making it more convenient to walk, bike, take transit -- and drive less -- while meeting their daily needs. Forecasted 20 year revenues are only ? to ½ of the amount needed to implement the City and other agency candidate projects and programs. City staff will use performance-based evaluation criteria, along with public comments, to recommend which projects to place on the higher priority 'Financially Constrained' list in the 2015 TSP. TSP Project Areas represent area (polygon) locations of proposed transportation projects over the next 20 years. Planned TSP projects are also represented as lines (Comprehensive Plan TSP Project Lines) and areas (Comprehensive Plan TSP Project Areas) in separate GIS datasets. Transportation - Plan 06/28/24 10:18 PM
    Transportation System Plan (TSP) Master Street Plan - Lines TSP Master Street Plans are part of a group of layers that make up the Transportation System Plan, which is the 20-year plan for transportation improvements in the City of Portland. The goal of the TSP is to provide transportation choices for residents, employees, visitors and firms doing business in Portland by describing what the system should look like and what purpose it fulfills. This feature class contains linear features related to the Master Street Plan. Transportation - Plan 02/11/25 03:43 PM
    Transportation System Plan (TSP) Master Street Plan - Points TSP Master Street Plans are part of a group of layers that make up the Transportation System Plan, which is the 20-year plan for transportation improvements in the City of Portland. The goal of the TSP is to provide transportation choices for residents, employees, visitors and firms doing business in Portland by describing what the system should look like and what purpose it fulfills. This feature class contains point features related to the Master Street Plan. Transportation - Plan 02/11/25 03:43 PM
    Transportation System Plan (TSP) Master Street Plan - Polygons TSP Master Street Plans are part of a group of layers that make up the Transportation System Plan, which is the 20-year plan for transportation improvements in the City of Portland. The goal of the TSP is to provide transportation choices for residents, employees, visitors and firms doing business in Portland by describing what the system should look like and what purpose it fulfills. This feature class contains polygon features related to the Master Street Plan. Transportation - Plan 02/11/25 03:43 PM