Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    rail_pdx Transportation - Transit 02/14/25 07:45 PM
    railroad_annotation_pdx Transportation - Transit 03/05/12 09:41 AM
    Transit Service Buffer The Transit Service Buffer is intended to assist BDS staff in assessing whether development sites are located close to transit for triggering certain Title 33 requirements. The polygon features in the dataset represent, either: (1) a 530' buffer of streets which carry a TriMet bus line with at least 5 arrivals at the line's stops in the AM peak (7:00 AM - 8:30 AM) and 6 arrivals during the PM peak (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM); or, (2) a 1500' buffer around MAX light rail stations. Note that the portions of bus lines that failed to meet the service thresholds were removed prior to the creation of the bus line buffer, and for couplets (e.g., Vancouver/Williams) where the service threshold was met in only one direction of travel, that portion of the line's buffer represents the intersection of the buffers of the couplet streets. This analysis will be conducted annually after the fall TriMet schedule release. Transportation - Transit 06/28/24 07:50 PM
    Transit Stop Peak Arrival This point dataset summarizes the number of transit vehicle arrivals during the peak AM (7:00 AM - 8:30 AM) and PM (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM) service hours at each unique TriMet bus and Portland Streetcar stop. This data is intended to supplement Transit Service Buffer for making determinations about applicability of the Title 33 close to transit service standard. Transportation - Transit 06/28/24 07:50 PM
    TSP Freight Facilities Freight facilities with linkages to Transportation System Plan (TSP) TransPlanIDs. Transportation - Transit 06/28/24 08:14 AM
    TSP Intermodal Facilities Intermodal freight facilities with linkages to Transportation System Plan (TSP) TransPlanIDs. Transportation - Transit 06/28/24 09:08 PM
    TSP Transit Stations Active, planned, and in construction transit stations (with linkages to TSP TranPlanID). Transportation - Transit 06/28/24 10:17 PM