Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    Bicycle Parking Bike racks installed in the public right-of-way in the City of Portland. Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 03:29 PM
    Bicycle Parking Areas Areas describing collections of bicycle parking assets in bike corrals, bike oases (covered bicycle corrals) and bikeshare stations. Individual bicycle parking assets are captured in the Bicycle Parking dataset. Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 03:29 PM
    Bike Parking Area Points Represents the location of designated bicycle parking areas (corrals, oases, Biketown hubs). This point representation of Bicycle Parking Areas was developed for cartographic purposes. Transportation - Assets 02/06/25 05:16 PM
    Communication Media Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 03:29 PM
    communication_hubs_pdx Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 02:31 PM
    communication_splice_pdx Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 02:32 PM
    Corners, Improved Polygons representing improved street corners in the City of Portland. Attribute information includes owner, maintainer, material, and other relevant information. Taken together, the improved corners and sidewalk (sidewalk_pdx) datasets represent the City of Porltand's sidewalk network. Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 03:30 PM
    Curb Ramps Points representing the locations of curb ramps sited on corners, median islands and mid-block crossings in the City of Portland. The attribute information describes ownership, maintenance responsibility and the presence of a detectable warning device. Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 03:32 PM
    Curbs This linear feature class is part of the Bureau of Transportation’s sidewalk system (the entire system consists of sidewalk, corners and curbs). Curbs not only provide the edge for the pedestrian network but they also channel water to the drainage system which helps preserve the street pavement. This dataset contains five types of curbs under the attribute CurbType. These first three types are actual curbs, most commonly constructed of concrete: Blockface (3110), Corner (3120) and Island (3130). The dataset also includes Shoulders (3140), which graphically indicate the edge of pavement where there is no structural curb, and Parking Blocks (3150), which are generally short lengths of flexible curb used as an extra safety barrier, such as in bicycle corral configurations. Attribution includes width, style and drainage information. Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 03:31 PM
    Delineators This feature class identifies the location, type, style and material of delineators in Portland Bureau of Transportation’s (PBOT) GIS. Transportation - Assets 02/11/25 03:35 PM