Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    Community Gardens Community Gardens owned or managed by Portland Parks Recreation Parks 01/15/25 04:43 PM
    Heritage Trees Points representing trunk locations of Heritage Trees of Portland. Environmental 12/24/24 05:44 PM
    Park Emergency Use Facilities Appropriate emergency use facilities for Portland parks as determined by PP&R staff in a 2006 analysis. Parks 05/04/20 05:44 PM
    Park Site Taxlots Park Boundary dataset derived from taxlots that compose the park site. Attributes include Parkname and Propertyid. Propertyid field is key link to other data sources in Parks. Parks 01/15/25 05:40 PM
    Park Taxlots Taxlot or parcel boundaries associated with Portland Parks Recreation management. Attribute values are joined from PP R's Property Management database. Parks 08/28/24 05:31 PM
    Park Trails This data set represents proposed and existing trail centerlines within the general vicinity of Portland, Oregon. It is an amalgamation of many different sources compiled at many different scales. Parks 08/28/24 05:31 PM
    park_maintenance_facilities_pdx Portland Parks Recreation maintenance facilities. Parks 01/14/25 05:56 PM
    Parks Park Boundary dataset derived from taxlots that compose the park site. Attributes include Parkname and Propertyid. Propertyid field is key link to other data sources in Parks. Parks 01/15/25 05:39 PM
    Parks - Desired Future Conditions Desired future conditions for natural areas owned by, managed by, or in collaboration with Portland Parks & Recreation's City Nature program. Areas are generally classified by plant association and ecological system as organized in the National Vegetation Classification System. Parks 12/21/20 07:35 AM
    Parks Amenities Amenities in Portland Parks Parks 01/15/25 04:42 PM