| Development Opportunity Areas | City of Portland Development Opportunity Services (DOS) Maintained by Portland Development Commission Please refer to the PDC link at http://www.pdc.us/dev_serv/dos.asp to get more information about target areas | Boundary | 08/11/20 01:55 PM |
| east_portland_enterprise_zn_pdx | The E-Zone is a state economic development program intended to leverage jobs and other community benefits from companies which make capital investments in their operations. In return, eligible companies receive a five-year property tax abatement on the value of their new investment. | Boundary | 08/19/24 11:26 AM |
| Enterprise E-Commerce Zone | The N/NE Portland Enterprise and Electronic Commerce Zone is a public/private partnership program managed by the Portland Development Commission providing a 5 year property tax abatement on new investment, and for eligible E-Commerce businesses, a 25% state income/excise tax credit, in exchange for meeting job creation and other requirements aimed at business creation within N/NE Portland. Companies may benefit if they lease, as long as they are responsible for property tax payments. | Boundary | 06/20/19 02:33 PM |
| IRNE Fiber Zones | IRNE Construction Cost Zones divide areas of the Tri-County region into zones for planning and budgeting purposes | Utilities - Communications | |
| LTA Homebuyer Opportunity Areas(old) | Qualifying areas for the Homebuyer Opporunity Program | Boundary | 02/27/19 10:18 AM |
| npi_investment_areas_pdx | The Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative (NPI) is a PDC program focused on community economic development at the neighborhood scale. This initiative is a key component of the City’s Neighborhood Economic Development Strategy (NED) - a citywide initiative to foster economic opportunity and neighborhood vitality throughout Portland neighborhoods, with a focus on low-income and communities of color. | Boundary | 06/20/19 02:34 PM |
| Storefront Improvement Areas | The Storefront Improvement Program is a major component of the city's revitalization efforts, providing cash grants and technical assistance to business and property owners in eligible neighborhoods. Recipients can use the support for a variety of improvements, ranging from repainting to purchase of new windows and awnings. Please refer to the PDC link at http://www.pdc.us/pubs/inv_detail.asp?id=179&ty=46 to get more information about Storefront Improvment Program | Development | 02/27/19 10:47 AM |
| Urban Renewal Areas | Urban Renewal Areas for the City of Porltand, Oregon. Maintained by Portland Development Commission. Urban renewal is a state-authorized, redevelopment and finance program designed to help communities improve and redevelop areas that are physically deteriorated, suffering economic stagnation, unsafe or poorly planned. | Development | 04/18/24 01:27 PM |