Service Name   Service Description Environment Service Access Is Basemap Category
    ODOT_Trip_Check Camera locations and images from ODOT's trip check website Production Public False Transportation
    PBOT_Inspection Displays inspections recorded by PBOT inspectors. Production Public False Transportation
    PBOT_Maintenance Every day PBOT crews clean, performs repairs, and conduct routine maintenance to preserve and extend the life of transportation assets and keep the transportation system functioning. This service includes layers that relate to those maintenance activities. Production Public False Transportation
    PBOT_Planning This service includes data related to Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) planning activities, including policy classifications, area master plans, and planned transportation projects. Production Public False Transportation
    PBOT_Railroad_Ordinance_Citywide Production Public False Transportation
    PBOT_Railroad_Ordinance_Downtown Production Public False Transportation
    PBOT_Vehicles PBOT Vehicles Production Public False Transportation
    Transit This map service makes use of TriMet data as obtained from the RLIS Discovery Site and TriMet's real-time APIs. Additional information and metadata about these data may be found here: https://developer.trimet.org/ and http://rlisdiscovery.oregonmetro.gov/ Production Public False Transportation
    Transportation Transportation Layers Production Public False Transportation
    Transportation_System_Plan The Transportation Systems Plan (TSP) is the long-range plan to guide transportation investments in Portland. Originally developed in 2002 and last updated in 2007, the TSP meets state and regional planning requirements and addresses local transportation needs for cost-effective street, transit, freight, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements. The plan will provide transportation options for residents, employees, visitors, and firms doing business in Portland, making it more convenient to walk, bike, take transit -- and drive less -- while meeting their daily needs. Forecasted 20 year revenues are only ? to ½ of the amount needed to implement the City and other agency candidate projects and programs. City staff will use performance-based evaluation criteria, along with public comments, to recommend which projects to place on the higher priority 'Financially Constrained' list in the 2015 TSP. TSP Project Areas represent area (polygon) locations of proposed transportation projects over the next 20 years. Planned TSP projects are also represented as lines (Comprehensive Plan TSP Project Lines) and areas (Comprehensive Plan TSP Project Areas) in separate GIS datasets. Production Public False Transportation
    Waze_Traffic_Data Waze Traffic Data Production Public False Transportation
