Service Name   Service Description Environment Service Access Is Basemap Category
    Park_Details Park Details Production Public False Parks
    Park_Tree_Inventory_Section_Overlays Park Sections Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Administrative_Boundaries Parks Administrative Bounaries Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Community_Gardens Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Condition_Assessments Portland Parks Condition Assessments Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Dog_Off_Leash_Areas Parks Dog Off Leash Areas Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Easements Parks Property Easements Production Public False Parks
    Parks_EDRR Early Detection Rapid Response locations for recently discovered non-native plant species in Portland Parks. Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Facilities Parks_Facilities Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Light_Poles Portland Parks light pole inventory Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Misc City or Portland Parks miscellaneous data layers. Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Natural_Area_Land_Inventory This is the the parks natural area land inventory Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Parking_Lots Parks and Recreation Parking Lots. Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Sports_Courts Portland Parks and Recreation Sport Court. Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Street_Tree_Inventory_Active A blended street tree inventory consisting of the previous inventory points being replaced with the current active inventory points Production Public False Parks
    Parks_UF_Permitting Urban Forestry Opt Out trees Production Public False Parks
    Parks_UF_Planting Production Public False Parks
    Parks_UF_Priority_Neighborhoods Parks UF Priority Neighborhoods Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Vegetation_Survey_2003 This is a feature service containing the Portland Parks and Recreation 2003 Vegetation Survey Production Public False Parks
    Parks_Water_Features Parks water features. Production Public False Parks
