| alleys_pdx | | Transportation - Streets | 02/12/25 05:19 PM |
| arterial_detail_anno_pdx | Cartographic street names for major arterials. Metro area. | Transportation - Streets | 05/04/22 04:24 PM |
| arterial_k1000_anno_pdx | Cartographic street names for major arterials. | Transportation - Streets | 05/05/22 04:42 PM |
| arterial_major_anno_pdx | Cartographic street names for major arterials. | Transportation - Streets | 05/04/20 04:12 PM |
| arterial_ppt_anno_pdx | | Transportation - Streets | 05/04/20 04:12 PM |
| Arterials Annotation | Line features representing label positions for Portland-area arterials. | Transportation - Streets | 05/14/03 01:17 PM |
| Bicycle Network | This linear feature class represents the citywide bicycle network, including bicycle boulevards, bike lanes, multi-use trails and signed connections. The status field indicates whether the facility is Active, Planned or Recommended for future development. | Transportation - Streets | 02/14/25 07:35 PM |
| bom_streets_pdx | Segments from the Regional Streets Centerline Network that are used for specific operations and analysis by the City of Portland Bureau of Maintenance. The dataset includes segments that are maintained in the Centerline Maintenance environment but are not transferred to the Regional Streets Network. It contains planned and other non-typical orprimary street types. This dataset does not create a connected street network and does not include the data fields and structure necessary for performing routing operations. | Transportation - Streets | 02/12/25 05:27 PM |
| Central City in Motion Project (Line) | Line features representing transportation projects planned as part of the Central City in Motion project. | Transportation - Streets | 06/28/24 07:33 PM |
| Central City in Motion Projects (Point) | Point features representing transportation projects planned as part of the Central City in Motion project. | Transportation - Streets | 06/28/24 07:33 PM |