| Business Districts | Portland's business districts and neighorhoods inherently support each other in many ways. Since 1986 Venture Portland has invested in the smart, strategic growth of Portland’s unique neighborhood business districts. These dynamic districts, which together make up a majority of the city’s businesses and nearly half of its jobs, play a vital role in Portland’s economic prosperity and collectively represent local, regional, national and international demand for goods and services. | Boundary | 12/21/23 03:39 PM |
| carpool_districts_pdx | | Boundary | 02/06/25 04:36 PM |
| Cities | This data is maintained by and obtained from Metro GIS. Click the link above to view the Metro GIS metadata for this dataset. | Boundary | 11/06/24 10:17 AM |
| City of Portland Watersheds Sewer Service Areas | This layer was originally created to generally model and map the sewer service areas/watersheds for the 1999 update to the Public Facilities Plan. | Boundary | 04/10/20 01:19 PM |
| Columbia Slough Levee Buffers | This layer was created to assist in coordinating development review in the Columbia Corridor to ensure the integrity of the flood management system is not compromised by development. MCDD must review development for possible threats to the system. This GIS layer includes the levees in the four Districts managed by MCDD. | Boundary | 10/23/21 09:16 AM |
| Columbia Slough Levees | Existing Levees in the Columbia Slough Watershed | Boundary | 10/23/21 09:16 AM |
| Columbia South Shore Protection Zone | Defines the boundary of the Columbia South Shore Protection Zone | Boundary | 02/01/25 07:21 AM |
| Conservation Districts | Conservation districts are designated by the City of Portland. As for historic districts, this designation is applied to an area that contains a concentration of related historic resources. The level of historic significance is generally "lower" than for historic districts; they are generally important at the local or neighborhood level rather than at the state, region, or national level. A distinction between "contributing" and "non-contributing" resources is also made in these districts.Portland has six conservation districts, all located in North and Northeast Portland, created as a result of a neighborhood planning effort, the Albina Community Plan. Documents created as part of this plan include historical background information about each area. | Boundary | 08/14/24 05:16 PM |
| Counties | This data is maintained by and obtained from Metro GIS. Click the link above to view the Metro GIS metadata for this dataset. | Boundary | 11/04/24 04:18 PM |
| Development Opportunity Areas | City of Portland Development Opportunity Services (DOS) Maintained by Portland Development Commission Please refer to the PDC link at http://www.pdc.us/dev_serv/dos.asp to get more information about target areas | Boundary | 08/11/20 01:55 PM |