Image Title  Abstract Category Last Updated
    AMANDA Folder Detail AMANDA folder details and processing metrics Development
    AMANDA Folder Milestone Derived from the AMANDA database, key milestones associated with a folder process. Data includes attempt results like approved, check sheet and not required Development
    AMANDA Folder Review Milesone Folder event timeline derived from the AMANDA database Development
    AMANDA Property AMANDA property is a composite layer pulling together dozens of sources. The layer is used by the AMANDA permitting system. Behind the scenes, SQL scripts keep the feature class updated and reflecting current data Taxlots
    Backflow Preventors Permits with backflow preventer valves mentioned. Created through BRD 220015. Refreshed weekly. Permit records are exported from TRACS and joined to taxlotgeometry. NOT TO BE USED TO REVISE CAPACITY RISK. Backflow valves are often placed on a variety of individualfixtures and therefore it cannot be assumed that the entire property isprotected without further detailed research. Development 01/23/25 05:13 PM
    historic_map_index_bds Development 01/22/25 05:24 PM
    Land Use Review Sites Sites where land use reviews take place. Zoning 01/01/00 12:00 AM
    landuse_review_cases_pdx Development 12/05/16 04:08 PM
    permit_activity_bds_pdx Development 01/24/25 09:01 PM
    permits_residential_demo_bds_pdx Development 01/24/25 09:01 PM